Resource Wars II eUSA edition day 3096 - caught short without a rubber again!

Day 3,096, 17:38 Published in USA Canada by Ilene Dover

It's the weekend soon. Must be time for another Resource Wars update.

How many resources are left in the world? Enough for some countries to be complacent.

Remember that's resources can only be claimed once they’re released into the pool. If the distribution was strictly even, we should be slightly over 20% of the way through each resource.

1. The new resource is still the most popular. Pakistan have banked on it being worthwhile and have a fully stocked new resource region in Balochistan. That's four of their five resources folks.

3. Weapons are still the least released resource type. Rubber (very rare) is being given away like candy on Halloween though.

3. Five(from seventeen) rubber resources have been released. These have gone to South America (Peru), Europe (Poland and Portugal), the Middle East (Saudi Arabia) and Asia (The Philippines).

4.Four (from twenty four) deer resources have been released. Europe (Portugal and Croatia), Eurasia (Russia) and North America (USA) have taken these. A herd of deer may descend over the next week? Or one a day till the end?

5. The first and only granite resource (from seven) was claimed by Georgia. They now have a fully-stacked housing resource region. Congratulations - that takes some strategy to pull off!

6. Very common resources are not being released in as great quantities as common or uncommon resources. My prediction is that a flood of the very common resources will be released in the last week.

How is the eUSA doing? Better than some large countries (lol@Serbia with one Clay). Not as good as people hoped though.

Our bonuses so far, by industry.


Food is our best supplied industry. We have four of the five resources (Deer, Fruits Grain and Fish) for an overall national bonus of 80%. Our maximum region bonus is70% at the moment, in Nebraska.


No change from… One miserly resource - Iron. That gives us a national bonus of 10% and a maximum region bonus of 10% in Arkansas.

I don't have much to say, other than we need to do better.


Housing is sitting with a national bonus of 50% from three (of five) resources (limestone, wood and sand). Our maximum regional bonus is 25%, in both Alabama and Washington.

New industry

With only one resource, the very common Magnesium, I can’t help but think our administration is not prioritising the new industry resources. This gives us a 10% national bonus and a maximum regional bonus of 10%.

Given the constraints of the Resource Wars, we may have to sacrifice the new industry to get stronger bonuses in the known industries.

Are you unhappy with how things are progressing? The potential for change is in your hands!

Listen to the DoD shouts and read their newspaper. Join #ResourceWars (Rizon server). Sometimes we need to slow down (in plain language: be losing). Please think before you dump damage somewhere.