Regarding the rejected MPP proposal

Day 1,177, 07:18 Published in Serbia Russia by Ministry of Foreign Affairs RU

Dear eSerbia!

As it has already become clear, our mutual protection pact has been voted down by your Congress and thus, first time in ages, our countries are not official allies anymore. We are still missing Serbian official response on the issue, but judging from Serbian media and feedback from some Serbian Congressmen it was an official recommendation from Serbian Government to vote “No” on this as a non-coordinated law proposal.

However the things look a bit different from eRussian side. We approached Serbia on Monday morning on the matter of prolonging our traditional MPP and received the general consent from both the newly elected country President Kistru and Kibla, his Minister of Foreign Affairs. The law was supposed to be started the same day but was postponed due to some “technical issues” on Serbian side. None of the complications regarding possible swaps have been voiced during the process.

The law was agreed to be started by eRussian CP around the noon of Tuesday as soon as Serbian President gets home and donates required gold to the country Treasury. However the hours passed and Serbian Treasury remained empty. None of Serbian officials were online or reachable. Then we decided to donate our own gold and start the law ourselves at our expense.

It is probably worth mentioning that MPP with Serbia isn’t just another MPP from the pack for us. And it is not the matter of 100-200 gold wasted or saved for eRussia. It is the only MPP we had with a NWO country until today. So with this MPP missing there are no obstacles for ePoland and its allies to pick on us. And both eSerbia and eRussia do realize that. The immediate response from the presumed to be offline Serbian President after the law was proposed was that he hadn’t yet coordinated the Russian MPP with other members of “Big four” and didn’t have a chance to work out a compromise with them on not attacking us, if such plans would exist. Which leaves us with the impression that Serbia is uncomfortable with our MPP due to the overall NWO stance and is trying to buy some time to decide what actually to do with us.

Regarding the recently announced Serbian swap, our potential MPP is now postponed for a week or more until eSerbia finishes its swaps with eRussian allies of Germany and UK, without any certainty on whether our MPP is to be signed after that. That makes us vulnerable to a possibility of the Polish aggression and regarding the current tensions with Cromania on Ukrainian front, a Romanian one too. This, sadly, will force us to intensify our diplomatic contacts in less preferable directions now.

We won’t compromise our friendship by wrangling on who is guilty in this situation, since probably we are. Last couple of months, especially after Serbia has left Phoenix we were not as close as we used to be and we could expect this coming from the general design of the NWO alliance and its potential appetites. However we know, that ties between our ecountries are wider than some conjunctural coordination and that some diplomatic inconvenience can’t ruin what have been being built for years. We love and respect you and always will.

Thank you for your attention.

President of eRussia,