
Day 759, 02:17 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Aussie Bloke watches the last of the stragglers board the truck and turns his eyes to the bush hoping beyond hope. All day the survivors had been turning up, filtering through the trees and into the small camp of Lima Squad.

“Times up.” Jade approaches him from behind his eyes also scanning the bush. He places a hand on his commanders shoulder. “She’s probably been picked already.”

Shaking his head Aussie refuses to turn, “No, she ran this way...”

“We have to go, our orders are simple, the time frame specific.”

Walking away from the truck Aussie lowers his eyes to the ground. The nameless woman had filled a hole in his unit. Appearing from nowhere, reinforcing the line. “Never even knew her name.”

“A lot of nameless died. If we don’t hurry their sacrifice will be for nothing.” Jade bangs on the side of the truck and with his hand motions for the driver to move off. A thumb is raised out the window and the army transport grinds into gear and rumbles into motion. It pulls away revealing the rest of Lima Squad standing at the ready their eyes on their XO and CO. “Your squad is waiting for orders.”

“No one gets left behind,” Aussie mutters under his breath. His eyes scan the rocky outcrops and distant ranges for signs...for anything but there is nothing.

Muttering a curse Jade approaches. Grabbing Aussies shoulder his spins him around and the two stand face to face. “She is dead. We have our orders to follow.” Aussie narrows his eyes with wicked intent that forces his subordinate to step back. “We are needed on the walls. There is no choice. We need every body we can muster. Your squad needs you.”

Finally Aussie blinks and looks back into the trees one last time become nodding slowly. “Lets go” he says looking back to Jade.

The XO is gazing over Aussies shoulder. Following his eye line Aussie turns to see the single Aboriginal standing at the tree line motionless. One leg raised, foot resting upon his knee and counter balancing himself on his spear.

“What the ****” Jade whispers.

Lima Squad break ranks and approach the two, “Don’t see many of them these days” Raven04 mutters adjusting his pack. “What do you think he wants?”

“I...don’t...know” Aussies voice is a whisper as the black warrior turns and walks back into the trees. “You guys head to the rendezvous.” He mutters setting off.

“What about you?” Jade says as he too feels the sensation, the tingle at the back of his spine. The calling of the Great Spirit Mother.

“Go, man the walls.” Aussie mutters without turning as he crosses the clearing. Jade looks to the rest of the squad and sees their faces betray emotions. Without words Lima Squad move into the bush and follow the guide.

Dusk Falls,

The silent guide continues along the trail not once looking back to see if he is being followed. The distant sound of music reaches their ears penetrating deep within their souls.

“Didgeridoo?” Shauny B whispers. No-one answers as they reach the end of the trail and step into a small clearing before a fire lit cave.

A single voice chants, soft yet powerful beyond words, the didgeridoo matches the tone.

Painted figures appear from nowhere, hands touching the soldiers, removing their weapons. Apartmento clutches his chain gun tightly for a moment before it is taken away. Then the painted figures are gone, fading into the surroundings and merging with the land.

“Ok am I the only one a little freaked out?” queviltai mutters. He doesn’t expect an answer, nor is one coming as Aussie Bloke moves towards the cave where a tall warrior appears.

“She is broken.” The warrior says struggling to form the words, “Something has been taken.” The warrior steps aside and allows Lima Squad into the cave. The didgeridoo is louder now, resonating deeply as the single voice raises his volume.

The small fire sends dancing shadows along the walls, to one side sits the musician on the other the singer. Both eyes are closed. An elder sits beside a small entrance at the back.

“What the ****”

“The angel falls.” The elder mutters his eyes looking from one soldier to the other, “Darkness beckons....” His eyes fix on Aussie Bloke and he motions to the small entrance beside him. Inclining his head the CO moves to the small entrance and enters. “Vengeance awaits”

A small flame lights the room leaving much shrouded in darkness. A long figure sits in the shadows barely recognisable her face painted, her head cowled. He recognises her more out of hope than any clear features. “I walked with the Great Mother.” Larni whispers, her eyes turning to face him, “I felt the power of the land, and her pain. She weeps as her childrens blood is spilt.”

“Are you ok?” he says taking a step towards her then stopping short as she stands casting aside the blanket that cowled her. The firelight plays upon her face, the face paint creating demons. He backs away slightly, “What have they done to you?” She approaches slowly her eyes revealing a madness that makes him uncomfortable.

“I have become.” She says stepping even closer to Aussie who backs against the wall.

“Become what?” He is not afraid... he is terrified. The woman had lost her mind!

Larni’s narrows her eyes, her hand draws her knife, “You are a man, brave knight.” She says lifting the knife, it’s blade glints in the firelight. “It was a man that made me flee, run like a coward into the night. Man gave me fear, Man stole what was mine...”

She reaches out and pushes him violently against the rock, her knife digging into the flesh of his throat. “It was man who brought death into my land. Man’s ego, braggarts and cowards all.” Her voice lowers into a whisper, the knife tracing around his neck and up to his cheek. “You do not flinch in the face of death Brave Knight.”

“You will not hurt me” He wishes his voice was more confident. “I did none of those things.”

“You are a man.” She accuses pushing the blade into his cheek deep enough to bite his flesh.

“I will not harm you.” His eyes lock onto hers and she knows he is speaking the truth. The Great Mother had given her the gift of looking into the hearts of men.

“The Great Mother summons, will you answer her call?” Larni whispers as she removes the blade from his cheek. “Will you forget who you were and become what we need? Will the brave and noble soldier become the darkest of my knights and grant me the vengeance that is mine?”

Apologies for speeding up the last part. I had planned on two posts but something more pressing has come up and I needed to finalize this, you will understand why soon ;)