Random Thoughts, Congress Updates

Day 1,173, 16:22 Published in Philippines USA by Aersidius

A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life. ~William Arthur Ward, writer

Howdy folks, here's a rundown of what's been going on...

It's election day folks, don't forget to vote. If you don't know how to, Revilo X has a good guide on it located here.

eColumbia, thanks for your recent invitation to war with ePh. Speaking as a citizen-soldier of ePhilipines, we enjoyed being inside you and the time we spent together. We appreciate you not complaining about how long we are taking to pull out.

Congress is currently voting on speaker, the leader of congress. There are some other interesting discussions going on as well. If you are in congress, but not on the forums, join now!

Congressional Voting Record(since last published):

Buy Constructions: Defense System
Day: 1168
Outcome: Passed (22 Yes, 0 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: This low-priced construction will assist in the defense of Visayas.

Tax change: Food
Day: 1168
Outcome: Rejected (2 Yes, 19 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: This proposal was not brought up for discussion by congress in the forums.

Tax change: Food
Day: 1170
Outcome: Rejected (3 Yes, 21 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: This proposal was not brought up for discussion by congress in the forums.

Donate 14 gold to the Bank of Philippines
Day: 1172
Outcome: Passed (23 Yes, 2 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: A standard donation proposal to move gold from the national account to the Bank of Philippines where it can be used for whatever's needed.

Natural Enemy: None
Day: 1173
Outcome: Passed (17 Yes, 3 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: This will end the current war with Columbia giving us time to rebuild our supplies and assist allies if needed.

I couldn't find Indie on the presidential ballot today, so I went looking elsewhere...
