Quis number 4 Result !!!

Day 1,581, 08:35 Published in USA Norway by Morten Asphaug
Hey hey and welcome back to Baked Beans quis

Today i come with quis number 4 result
Once again i will give out many small prices and i will give 3 bigger pries to 1,2 and 3 place in total

starting with question number 1:
1. If a word in a dictionary is misspelled, how
would you know?

-Per Jostein get 5 Q3 Weapon for
It depends if I have heard the word before or if I have another dictionary by my side.
- Che Kukaken get 5 Q3 Weapon for
Because the old hag of a teacher will tell you the word is misspelled.
- Didymystic get 5 Q1 Weapon for
It is simple...you wouldn't know (I don't even know english xD)
-Stakerauo get 10 Q3 Weapon for
You invent a machine which will scan every word in the dictionary and mark the wrong numbers with a red marker. Even tho inventing such a machine prolly would cost many million NOKs, take a lot of space and prolly return the book in a pretty rough condition, I'd say it's *definetly* worth it!!
-Christopher Moe get 5 Q1 Weapon for
First of all, it would be really hard to notice that, unless you had some amazing skills in pronunciation. But if you by luck, or in a drunken rage, came over another dictionary – then be so lucky that the dictionary actually opened up the same page that the mentioned word was – then you could compare it with another dictionary again. One hounded dictionaries later, you might have a clue about the correct way to write it. But if every single dictionary in the word has this word misspelled…. Then it wouldn’t really be misspelled…. Or would it? No it wouldn’t…. Or would it? No it wouldn’t…. Every single word in the dictionary is the right way to spell it… And even if the word was later respelled on another manner, all the previous work you made would still be accepted. We in Norway still find books written in “gammel Norsk”, and even though its spelling is silly billy, we can still read it. Their excuse would be “We didn’t know better, we are just silly I guess”
So to answer your question… Why do you care? Nobody could blame you, so don’t bother with it.
- Gnilraps get 5 Q3 Weapon for
Duh. Look it up.

number 2 is:
2. Why does X stand for a kiss?
NOBODY, was some good answers here nut nahh, think i skip this, MOHAHAHAA
3. Why does O stand for a hug?
i will give u all a price, free hug to u all 😃
4. Why is the alphabet in that order?
- Che Kukaken get 100 Q2 food for
Because Alpha won the bet.
- Christopher Moe get 100 Q2 food for
The alphabet developed much out of laziness. Early pictogramsrequired readers and writers to memorize hundreds of specific images representing words and ideas. The alphabet, on the other hand, was a kind of phonetic shorthand in which thirty basic sounds could be strung together to form words. So if the alphabet was in any other order, it would just be a chaos of guttural sounds, like we find in the Danish language. It could also be a hybrid of the numerical system that we have today, but that is a whole other question that we won’t dig into today. But in the heat of the moment, the proper question would rather be “Why wouldn’t be in that order?” If we would turn the alphabet around, think of the world we would live in… All the Å’s would be turned into A’s. All the Ø’s would be B’s. That would just be crazy and silly in a whole other dimension.
So that’s one more silly point to you Morten.
- Grilnaps get 50 Q2 food for
because qwerty was already taken.
- Trogdorthetroll100 get 50 Q2 food for
What other order would it be in? Whoever made it up felt like it.

5. Doesn't expecting the unexpected make
the unexpected expected?
-Sando Griffin get 50 Q2 food for
It makes the expectation of something unexpected expected, but not the actual unexpected thing, because even if you expect it, you still don't know what to expect.
- Stakerauo get spiderweb in the mailbox tomorrow for
Not if you're mofucking Spiderman!!!!
-Christopher Moe get 250 Q2 Food for
By definition: The unexpected is something that you didn’t expect. So even if you expected something to happen, it couldn’t be unexpected if you already expected it. That would make it expected. Let’s say that you expected to fang allot of fish, then it would be as expected to fang allot of fish. Let’s say that expected to fang a unexpected amount of fish, then it would expected to fang a that expected amount of fish. But if you expected to unexpectedly fang some fish, and then you was “rape potatoed” by a fang fish instead, that would surely be unexpected. But you didn’t expect it.
- Gnilraps get 100 Q2food for
Dude. I totally KNEW you would ask that.
- Trogdorthetroll100 get 50 Q1 food for
Or does it?
- phoenix Quinn get 100 Q1 food for
I was gonna try this quizno, but I am in awe of Christopher Moe so will just gracefully step aside.

BTW, the correct answer to all of the questions is: just because.

So here it is, THE TOTAL WINNERS
3 place was hard this time (again)
Last time we had 2 persons with same score but i only have one bronze medal to give so i had to shoose, this time its 3 with same score and that makes it harder to give the bronze
but here it is
Che Kukaken and Didymystic got 6 points but got right outside, sorry for u
3 place, 6 point. PER JOSTEIN, 25 Q4 Weapon
2place, 8 points last quis winner, GNILRAPS, he get 50 Q4 Weapon
1place, full score, 10 points, 1 gold and 25 Q3 Weapon