Presidential Update Day 765

Day 765, 10:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

Merry Christmas Ireland! I hope you are all enjoying your Holidays 🙂

I am pleased to announce the completion of our second Q5 hospital, this one going to Cork and Kerry. We are now part of a select group of powerful countries with multiple Q5 hospitals. I thank all of you who worked on this, both in the Company and in the Government to get it pushed through. The work continues, the ultimate goal to have a Q5 in every Region. It takes a lot of teamwork and sacrifice but I know we can do it! Have you taken your turn yet?

I would like to wish Good Luck to all of our Congress Candidates running on Christmas Day. I know most of you will be enjoying the Holiday with Family and I wish the best to you. I have always seen Family as a huge priority in my life so know that none of us will be upset if you don’t log in. That being said, your TDs (Congressmen) work hard on their campaigns and appreciate your Vote!

Sadly, I received a Resignation from Minister of Trade Pip Kelly. I need a replacement, so I ask for Applicants to PM me with their qualifications and Intentions as Minister. I will need an active citizen with Foreign Affairs and International Business experience.

I would like to leave you all with some links that I have enjoyed recently. I hope you enjoy them too:

The Pogues – Fairytale of New York:

The Killers – Happy Birthday Guadalupe

Indie Christmas Station

The Best Irish Christmas Avatar 2009

Merry Christmas!