Politics: Some reviews before the CP-election june 2015!

Day 2,753, 13:48 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

Tomorrow we`re going to the CP-election with two candidates, Joshua Morriseau from “Norwegian Green Party” (NGP), and M.de Ruyter from “Teknokratene” (TeK).

They have met before in CP-election, in January 2015, where Joshua won the election over then current CP MdR. By that occasion Joshua get support from Partiet and Liber8. Things are a little different today. Until now, few hours before the opening of election polls, none of the other parties have given their endorsement to any candidate. The only third party to give strength is Partiet, may be we have some talking behind the scenes? The two small parties any way, NEC and L8, neither individually or together, have the strength to give crucial support.

Until a few days ago, we all believed Joshua would get a safe parade to the presidency, as one and alone candidate. And supported by Tek since they unofficially endorsed him after the congress election. I`ve have no ability to give an interpretation of the internal processes in Tek, but the conclusion is, their surprisingly presentation of their own candidate, M.de Ruyter. I don’t know, but perhaps it was a little bit surprising to their Governmental partner, NGP, too?

Whom will win? Of course a unpredictable question, it`s to narrow! They are both well known and experienced candidates! After the last congress-election, 10 days ago, I predicted these results gave us an indication on what`s to come. Today I `m not so sure! After a little landslide for NGP in congress, the NGP have had some uphill walk troubles since then. They have lost some members, but they are still in position to gain the trophe.

Another uncertainty is how the voters will react on Joshuas open letter to Japan/Montenegro airstrike on eBelgium. He get mostly positive bipartisan feedbacks, but also some few negative. Will he gain votes or could he lose votes? Difficult to predict! And his opponent is a central member in Nebula HQ, so for some this could be a symbolic issue! Any way, I determine, this election is not a crossroad of defence policy! Military defence and alliance politics and protection are serious matters in a small ecountry like eNorway. But this is an narrowly fight with small margins, so we can not underestimate the importance of this.

I`ve tried to ask the both candidates some questions about their politics and their alternatives. This will be presented in an other article!

One of my questions was about whom to be offerd positions in their Government team? Ususally, this team get presented before the elections! But not for now! (UPDATE: erep time 00:42 During the last hours, Joshua has released his team, and M. de Ruyter says he will not do big changes in the current team) None of the big parties do have enough resources by themselves to fill a one-party Government. I do think we will still see a Government mixed from both NGP and TeK, the "Green-TeK Coalition". If the candidates released their team today, we would probably see the same persons in both alternatives (unless they dare to use some of their unknown juniors or “backbenchers”, perhaps from the new congress?). It shows us, that the political active citizens in eNorway are few. That is our big Challenge! By last congress election the two big parties do`nt even get the number of voters participating in elections, equal the number of their members!

Therefore I think the winner will be the candidate who get the best turnout from their own party!

I wish you all a good election (and a good turnout from all of you, regardless of party membership or not)!