Politics: CP-election - Asking the candidate(s)!

Day 2,754, 01:14 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

When it, last Wednesday, become clear, the fact we would get two candidates to this CP-election, I send equally, to both, some questions for the purpose of clarifying the different options. This morning I`ve got Joshuas answers, but it`s still uncertain wheter M. de Ruyter will give his answers to the same questions. If he chooses I will add his answers too, in an update!

My questions to the candidates:

1. Why do you seek the Country Presidency?


“I had been planning to run again recently but when Xibbard wanted to run I held back to let others get involved. My main reason is because I see our alliance, Nebula, as flawed and I would like to have an active role in reforming the alliance and our foreign affairs."

2. What are your main, key issues in this election?


“For me it is to review our position within Nebula and to examine if it is probable to move forward as an alliance member. I would like to further expand our relations with the UK as they have become a very valuable regional partner.”

3. What do you consider the most important political differences between you, how will your presidency differ from your opponent?


“If you would asked me this when we first ran against each other, I would had a giant list. Since then however we have learned to work very well together. I would say perhaps is our experience. MdR's experience is drawn from his multiple times serving as CP and his heavy foreign affairs experience where as I draw upon my experience as leading alliances which is also foreign affairs experience but a very different role from being an alliance leader to a MoFA.”

4. Whom will be offered positions in your government team?


“Anyone is free to apply, I know Xibbard and Kesha will be in my government right now but positions will be open to any who apply.”

5. And at last: In your own words, what would you highlight, as your advantage over your opponent?


“My advantage over MdR is my experience here in Norway. He may have been CP more times than myself however I have lived in Norway for years more than MdR and I know the community a lot more as well as our collective history as a country. All my CP experiences have been here in Norway, every time I have lead an alliance (7x Asgard SC) it was as a Norwegian Representative.”