Political Suicide

Day 2,972, 16:09 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore

Good day dear Aussies,

Last few days I read all articles in the local media and all comments inside and I am not happy with our current political situation. It seems our congress is divided not between people with different opinions but the fight now is constructive positions VS trolling negative votes. Being congress member 12 times and cabinet member in different positions I want to share my thoughts with you.

The Famous CS request of WachaGonnaDu

Unwritten rule 1:
Every fine player born in Australia known with good in his eHomeland and over the world is very welcome to join our community again anytime if CS passes are enough.

Unwritten rule 2:
Voting with "Yes", "No" or abstaining must be supported with a proper reason. Not need to mentioning it during the voting process but you need to be sure you are doing the right thing for your Nation.

Based on these two rules I can evince my disappointment from all those who voted "No" to Wacha's CS request. Our past CP/Dic put his own reputation letting some players in when situation is such that the congressmen can't decide directly. All others "immigrants" came here with congress approval. Now half of the congress seats are taken by players came recently in eAustralia. I don't want event to think that we let in our community a person who voted "No" on Wacha! That is a crime! Using your piece of fake political power to oppress activity in small nation by not letting player with perfect background to come home... Yes, that is a crime!

Let me remind that all congress members have the duty to work for Nation's best interests not against them. And one of our interests is to pull as much as possible active citizens here ready to contribute in the best way they can.

Political Suicide

I don't think that there is anyone here who has personal issues with Wacha to use that for a reason to reject his request. The reason of this act is that people who lose themselves while thinking that they have any power here 🙂
To those people I would say: You betrayed eAustralia and those who voted for you. Play your dirty tricks in a field where you will be surrounded by bots. You are exactly that IRL what you present here in game.

I will ask our CP to post this article in the congress thread and my request is all who voted with "Yes" and all who didn't voted to wrote as comment what position they took regarding Wacha's request. I need to know those names to exclude them from the Black List. All others congressmen will be considered as trolls and they will take what they deserved.


I am really glad to know Clorofila as player and more important to know her as such a sweet singer! I am in love in her songs. One of the songs composed for Australian MU you can listen here. Also nice lyrics. Enjoy!

Clorofila had eAustralian CS before and she helped our nation not because of the political skills but mostly because of her spirit. She gave a large portion of energy to our nation. That time hold my best memories in the game - being young MoF agitating players to make more damage for higher rewards during Epic Tournament; it was a time without trolls in political scene and we all stand behind the idea of making our nation stronger and independent.

May be she would spend the last month here before quitting the game and for sure she had the power to strengthen our relations with Asteria and pro-Asteria nations. We can only lose from not letting her in.

I will not reply to any comments in this article, but will be ready to answer on every question in my next publication where Black List will be presented.

J Seemore