Pimpdollaz Wants to Sell the Heart and Soul of Others

Day 807, 04:51 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Pimpdollaz the current speaker of the house and congressman voted in by the blind has made it quite apparant that he would rather sell for gold the hard work of others.

I've never supported the goal of the province of NB for a Q3 hospital and there ilk but as there congressman I must support em. They have put in there own time and money into this project and have completed it without any help from the govt.

Pimpdollaz in his wisdom would rather sell off the hard work and sweat of others in a whim for future tanking. A worthy cause except for the fact he or the govt don't own it.

I spit in his face for these elitist and close minded views and I ask all those that would support the underdog to let this be placed. Canadians are stubborn Mofo's in war and politics and NB is the epitome of stubborness.

Place it.

Read the legislative branch here.


As well open congress here



Dr. Pain also seems to be strong supporter of screwing over the little guy in favour of the so called betterment.

I misread congress and jumped to conclusions and called out Congressman Dr.Pain. Nice rack BTW. He-She is all in support of a Q3 in NB my mistake. Its nice calling out politicians in public though. I must make a hobby of this.


There's a so called fortress strategy thinking in Canada. Unfortunately it barely works with 2 Q5 hospitals never mind 3.

Wilhelm Gunter is oppossed to the placement of the hospital even though most that are informed in congress know the fortress strategem is not being followed.

Thats 2

Wilhelm Gunter