Pertanax-- - dafuq?

Day 3,488, 14:54 Published in Estonia Chile by jaars
kuna pidevalt kontrollides BM investori trükiseid, leian kommentaaridest kellegi kasutaja Fenoglioteam igapäevase kommentaari "pertañax", ning see hakkas mind miskipärast õudselt häirima.. nagu mingi netitroll pistiitab koguaeg..

Otsustasin siis asja oma kätte võtta ja raporteerida temast.. Ja peale seda tuli allolev kiri temalt.
Lugege kah läbi.. Võibolla on tore arusaada, miks mõni seda teeb.. MIna ei mõista milleks seda teha ausaltöeldes 😃 Ju siis on entusiasm veel parajalt kõrge:

Fenoglioteam to jaars | 5 minutes ago #81685950
Pertamax (original version of my pertañax) is the indonesian word to say "first".

Commenting that in the 1st comment of an article is an ancient tradition in eRepublik (afaik + 6 years) and we celebrated many contests to prove who is the fastest.

As a former pertañax tourney winner, I usually comment it as a kind of nostalgia xD in some articles around the world and since I usually see bm-investor´s articles without comments, I find a good way of showing him some respect for his work commenting it every day.

Sorry if it bothers you.

PS: There arent any pertañax participants in Estonia afaik, but of you ever read press in countries like eSpain, be sure you´ll find more like me.