PEACE Gets Desperate

Day 712, 14:46 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Today all hell has broken loose.
Croatia is the target of a massive offensive from Serbia, Hungary, and Slovenia. But what does this all mean? Well, I will show you how this all points to 1 thing, Peace is becoming desperate.

1. Croatia has just been attacked by Hungary, Serbia, and Slovenia.
Now Hungary and Serbia I can understand, they both have strong militaries anyways, and have the wars already opened. But Slovenia? The country with just over 1000 citizens, just attacked Croatia , a country with nearly 11000 citizens, and activating 13 Mpp’s

Really Peace? You couldn’t arrange some region swaps within your vast puppet empire (like what Latvia and Estonia did) to bring a more powerful country, one with a military capable of inflicting more than 3000 damage to the battlefield?

This is the 1st sign that Peace is getting desperate.

2. Over the past few months we have witnessed incredible battles. From the shores
of Canada, to Alaska, across the ocean to Spain and Greece, and even up to Scandinavia.
Now, who can point out what all of those have in common? Anyone? Anyone at all?
Yes, you’re right, in every single one of them Peace LOST

They were beaten, smashed, obliterated, destroyed, mashed, splattered, crushed, annihilated, and blown to smithereens all across the globe. But why does this show us that Peace is desperate? Because, Croatia is the last place in the world where they haven’t failed an entire invasion.

I guess they wanted to give it a try and see if they got lucky.

That is the 2nd sign that Peace is desperate.

3. They let the UK join their alliance.

Well, that one was a given…

As you can clearly see, Peace has become that desperate girlfriend that you dumped last week and really wants to get back together with you. But it’s up to us to defend Croatia from that desperate girlfriend, so I highly recommend that you follow ORDERS