PEACE Failympics: Day 3

Day 679, 16:32 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Read">Day 1 and">Day 2 before reading this.

Day 3

Today is it. The final day of the PEACE Failympics. Yesterday we saw Iran capture 4 Gold Failures, which catapulted them to the top of the Fail Rankings. The UK also has 4, so it appears it will be a close race for first.
France finished in 3rd yesterday with 3 Gold Failures (one of which the little kids gave to them). In 4th is Indonesia, and in 5th, with 0 Gold Failures is Russia.

So far Russia’s failetes have been failures for failing to fail for Gold Failures, but will they be able to turn it around today? Let’s find out.

The final 4 events of the Failympics are:


There’s nothing quite like riding a horse and guiding it to jumping over hurdles. Too bad for good ol’ Russia things didn’t work out that way.
(credit to Ace_blazer for finding this)

But of course, Russia wanted to keep their no-fail streak alive, so the jockey hopped back on his horse only for this to happen…
What a trooper that guy is. What a trooper…

Russia’s No-Fail streak has come to an end. They win a Gold Failure.


Very, and I mean very, surprisingly there was no Golden Failure awarded.

Other than a minor mishap, which labelled the Russians clothing with what they were called, all teams performed well.

With only 2 more Gold Failures up for grabs, the Iranians and the British are still tied for the lead.


The first fight was between the Russians and the Indonesians.

At the end of the fight, the Indonesian (in white) sued the Russian for sexual harassment.

The Iranians and the British went at it next.

The Iranian manhandled the Briton. Sadly, this is what the Briton’s face looked like after receiving a beating

The final fight for the Gold Failure was between the Indonesians and the Iranians. The fight lasted for ages as the 2 fighters were having a slap fight while holding this pose…

They were both awarded Gold Failures for their epic slap fight.


The British (in white) attempted to take on the Indonesians, but they failed miserably.

Even though Basketball is a 5 man game, the lonely Frenchman still gave it a shot against the mighty Russian team. Before the game even started the Russians were laughing and couldn’t believe their luck having to go against a 1 man team.

They lost.

The Russians hung their heads in shame.

In the finals the Indonesians lost a man to injury and had to draft a player from the crowd.

They made a horrible choice.

The 1-man team from France came out victorious once again.
Now, awarding a Gold Failure for such an amazing feat wouldn’t make sense, so this Gold Failure is awarded to the Indonesians for their horrible drafting skills.


Rankings based off of # of Gold Failures

1. Iran – 5
2. UK – 4
- France – 4
4. Indonesia – 3
5. Russia – 1

We Congratulate the Iranians on having the Most Fails over a 3-day period. They were simply unbeatable in some events, and they succeeded more than anyone else did in failing.

Unfortunately, because of their lack of fails, Russia has been kicked from PEACE for failing to fail enough. Not failing goes against all the PEACE stands for, and so they will not be able to participate in the next Failympics.

That’s all for now, see you next year!

Read">Russia's Chance to Reclaim Fail to see Russia try and reclaim their fail.