PEACE Failympics: Day 2

Day 678, 13:20 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Day 2

Read">Day 1 if you haven't yet.

Yesterday we saw the Failympic games start, and we also saw the French take 2 Gold Failures, UK, Indo and the little kids all have 1, and Russia and Iran both have 0.

Today we have 5 more events, which are:
Track Biking

First off, we have the Track Biking.

The little kids have it their best shot, using their own home-made bike, but the judges didn’t allow them to race for safety reasons.

Unfortunately, the teams were all biking too fast for our cameras, except the british team, which insisted that they hold hands during the entire race.

They easily won the Gold Failure.


The little kids weren’t allowed to compete in this event either, because they demanded to play T-ball. When they were told this, they resigned from the Failympics. They donated their single Gold Failure to the Franch.

The Indonesians were also unable to muster a team, even though they had put up posters advertising for the sport.

The Iranians all attempted a trick play where they all stood on their heads. Needless to say it failed miserably. They captured their first Gold Failure.


Only 2 countries decided to submit teams for tennis: The British and the Indonesians.
It turned out to be a never-ending match of epic failures.

The Indonesians accidentally showed up with badminton rackets, but that didn’t stop the British from claiming the Gold Failure. I believe this picture explains it all…

Really, how could the Indonesians compete with that?


The marathon consisted of 35 runners, 30 of which were from Indonesia. The race started normally, but at the end things got very crowded.

The Iranian lost her footing, and caused 30 Indonesian multi’s to come tumbling down with her.
The Gold Failure goes to Iran.


The Iranians had a great swimmer for this event, too bad for them their failete was caught abusing steroids.

They won the Gold Failure.

Actually they were awarded 2 Gold Failures for having such a fail.

Medal Count

Iran gained an incredible 4 Gold Failures today. Iran should be proud of their epic fails.

Tomorrow is the last day for the Failympics, where we will show you the final 4 events. Don’t miss it!">Day 3