Path of the warrior a guerrilla guide for dummies!!!

Day 2,613, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

Path of the warrior!!!

Do you know all these fancy games with 3D graphics realistic landscapes and cutting breath action? Forget them all you just came in the real world.
Erepublik has 2 war modules the original one that you have to press the red button till you break your finger and the guerrilla fight module. Remember in the past when i said that you need to play smart? If not you are demoted into padawan if yes then there is still hope for you.
The first thing you have to do is pick a battle. It is good to follow Queens orders and as an example we will defend our colony in Bolivia

Now you have to pick a side so be very careful THIS IS IMPORTANT.

You just entered the battle congrats! This is that what you see

The first thing that you have to do is equip yourself by pressing this button .

As you can see a new menu came no pay attention in the image below and you will be fine the fun is about to start.

As you can see you have many options in weapons and few in armor (yes i know Plato is lazy and don't care about defence). It is good to have full armor unless you wanna be the guy that always dies first in the films. When it comes to weapons things are a little bit different. Weapons with gold value will give more chances to win. I say that since you wont fight all the time take them to ensure your victory.
Now since you picked your guerilla items and you look like Rambo in Rambo 2 you have to press 5 times the all mighty RED BUTTON to do 5 normal kills. You see padawan that was easy. After that you will see this and you have to press it

Good boy 😃 Remember that sometimes there are many enemies spotted and some times 0 so you will have to wait, thats not a problem because after all you DON'T want to level us too soon.
So now you can see the person who is fighting against you. In my case i have bigger bonus damage thing which will help me in battle

Now you have just opened the battle page

This is all you will see no 3D no movement no nothing just walk and shoot. In the picture you will see what every button does. Remember that each Guerilla fight last for 20 rounds top if you are good enough you can end this faster. You can also join until the domination reaches 1400 then you have to wait till next round. Don't be afraid if you see a titan*** as your enemy all it counts is your bonus in this module and you might have bigger! from this page you can do few things which makes this module quite easy

walk closer or farther from the bad guy

Press your weapon of choice and change your weapon with one of those you have in your inventory when your enemy is closer or more far away

Now if you win you will see this

and then this

You can do that again and again until you run out of wellness.

Now lets see why you need to play Guerrilla. You are a new player and trust me when i say that you DON'T need XP, you need to stay in division 1 until you get enough strength in order to be competitive with the people in higher divisions in your case division 2. With module each win will give you more rank points which is good because the bigger the rank the bigger your hit will be. Also it will help you to win more easy battle hero medals which will provide you gold for training ground upgrades in order to get more strength.
There are days that you can see the banner of X10 in every battle hero medal try to take one with this module, play smart and soon you will be strong enough with many free gold in your account.

I know that i am not so good explaining stuff in paper so be polite 😃

I don't know why I am here tasos maximous