On the Precipice of War, a Farewell to Arms

Day 3,267, 08:49 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura

Our ten days of democracy are almost up, and with them will end an apparent truce to one of the longest civil conflicts the eWorld has ever seen. October 25th marked a full 548 days, one and a half years since the first coup was launched, and ever since then the proud history of our country has been marked by struggle and strife. The ravages of war have made our land a shadow of the proud nation it used to be. I could very easily speak all day about what's happened between us, but I'm here to support a different message, one supported by Her Majesty The Empress of eJapan and others who wish to see to see our country unified.

I have had enough of what has felt like an endless, toxic, civil war. In the beginning of my time in eJapan, I held my ideals for a democratically unified people (with or without the dictatorship module) close to my heart, and even in the short time I had been here, I could see that our nation was one marked by a painful, deep division between our people. It was disheartening to watch repeated overtures for peace fail because of the distrust and pain caused by the past and nurtured by the wounds of war. It has been downright painful to have to watch those that were dear to me leave eJapan and the eWorld disillusioned because of our state of affairs, and it's hard to have to watch what feels like an endless cycle of vitriol and animosity form between us. I want things to change. I need things to change.

I want to publicly declare my support for peace, in whatever form this peace may take. Whether it be negotiation, compromise, or even the formation of something entirely different, I believe that any diplomacy will be better than what the diplomacy of war had brought us. War does not heal wounds, war doesn't support the free exchange of ideas. All it brings us is the dangerous doctrine of using force to bring our will upon others, and after a year and half of this, I am more than ready to accept a peace built on uncertainty than a war of absolutes. I think we need to be strong enough to accept the brave new world we create. Because if even we subjugate the coalition, we certainly will not have subjugated their hearts or brought us any closer to unity.

At the end of the day I am loyal to my party and the movement to bring democracy to eJapan in whatever form it takes (constitutional dictatorship or democracy), and will move and fight with them to support the vision of the eJapan they seek. But this is my impassioned plea to everyone in Jimmin Sensen, the Jiyuu Nippon Gun, to the coalition parties, and every citizen caught in the crossfire, to do everything in your power to accept a peace built on the diplomacy of conversation, despite everything that has happened to us, despite our history. Compromise is a peace that leaves no one happy, but it has the potential to become a framework for repairing relations and building togetherness. Even if it means that one side is disenfranchised in the end, and everything falls apart like a misshapen house of cards, even if war is our ultimate destiny, there is nothing that I would like to see us do more.

Peace, above all else.

Also, I've tried to make this a habit in everything that I write, but from this point forward, I'm going to refrain from using "Serbians" and "Us" to refer to both parties. I think that using something such as race to differentiate the sides of the political spectrum is incredibly damaging to coming towards peace in our nation, and even if the coalition is 99.9% Serbian, I want to do everything I can to avoid "othering" or alienating anyone because of their race. I hope others feel the same.