Official White House Press Release #30 7/4/2009 (Farewell to scrabman)

Day 592, 04:32 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
~OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PRESS RELEASE~ (#30 Farewell to scrabman)

Day 592 04:30

Items To Be Covered

1. Comments from your White House Press Secretary

2. A Few Words from President scrabman

3. Presidential Election

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Comments from your White House Press Secretary

This will be the last White House Press Release to be published during President scrabman’s administration. As your White House Press Secretary for the last 2 terms, it has been a privilege to serve the public in this role as well as a rewarding experience to understand what goes on behind the scenes in the executive branch of our government. I thank scrabman for giving me this opportunity and for allowing me the freedom to do what I do best - write.

In the earlier moments of being WHPS, I sometimes found the job to be quite stressful, especially when there was a policy or direction we were taking that I personally may not have agreed with. However, with the help of many friends, I have learned to set my personal political beliefs aside within The Briefing Room so that I could do my job well without diluting the messages the administration felt the public needed to know. In this process, I have made many friends from many different parties and political and ideological backgrounds both at home and around the world by seeking common ground to gain understanding and by giving people a voice and treating them each with respect and dignity.

I have come to love the job of White House Press Secretary and, should our next President choose, I would be honored to serve as your WHPS once more. If our next president decides that someone else would better serve them in this capacity, then I will continue to write my articles in Freedom & Responsibility, having had great memories of being a 2-term member of a presidential cabinet that consisted of many talented people as I have served this great nation of eUSA. I thank all of you who have come on this journey with me so far and I hope to bring you with me again!

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A Few Words from President scrabman

Have any of you ever wondered what President scrabman sounds like in real life? Have you wanted to know what advice a new player could get from someone who has been a party president, a Field Marshall in battle, a member of congress for 4 terms and President of eUSA for 3-1/2 terms? Then sit back, grab yourself a sandwich and something to drink and listen to this podcast to the outside world by Spike Nesmith, half of which is devoted to President scrabman and the navigation of eRepublik.

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Presidential Election

Presidential elections will be held tomorrow, July 5th (Day 593) throughout eRepublik. This will be the first time in 4 months that scrabman is not on the ballot, so make sure you read the responses of the interview of the presidential candidates before you press the Vote button tomorrow!

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On behalf of the eWhite House, I thank you for reading and taking the time to keep up with current events. Please subscribe to "The Briefing Room" to ensure you are always up to date with the happenings of eGovernment, the eWhite House and important informational updates.

Remember to vote this up so the public will have access to updates as soon as they are available. May everyone in America celebrate this July 4th weekend, have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!

~mjdiv, White House Press Secretary