Official Announcement from Larni re: Elections

Day 1,137, 21:31 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

For those of you unaware there is presently an important vote taking place in both eAustralia and eIndo senates located here:'>


This means that within 24hrs we could be at peace. A few RW's will be started in the states eIndonesia decide that we can keep, but there will no retelation that I am aware of.

Provided both these vote go through I resign from my candacy of in the CP election in place of SRG91 who's experience will guide us through a month of rebuilding. My skills lay in destruction and not rebuilding.

Srg's knowledge, understanding and respect world wide will be a vital aspect in any restoration process our nation will undertake in the next month.

If the vote fails to pass then I will of course reassess my position but for now, Vote for Srg91.

I will also draw peoples attention to my last article

This is what the ANP bring to the table. I encourage all to see the comments for what they are and vote smart in the upcoming election.

As a War Time CP I would have been in my element but I know my limitations and have no problem endorsing Srg91 for the rebuilding phase.

Good luck Srg


ps: I do hope both votes go through but will still be making arrangements just in case.