Novosti sa frontova / News from the front

Day 1,293, 07:15 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Robert E.Lee 1861

Srpska Verzija

Hrvatska,Grčka vs Makedonija

Pošto se gotovo ceo Eden i deo Terre nalazi pod ofanzivom ONE saveza Hrvatska je morala sa svoje strane da načini neki korak pomoći svom savezu.
Posle zatvaranja severa od strane Madjarske Hrvatska se fokusirala na Makedoniju.
Makedonija već ratuje sa Grčkom,ovaj rat je katastrofalan i ponižavajući za Grčku.
Grčka je izgubila 14 regija uzastopno i bez nemaju ni jednu osvojenu bitku u ratu sa Makedonijom.
Grčka je razbijena na 4 medjusobno nepovezane oblasti.

Zbog svega ovoga Hrvatska je morala napasti Makedoniju u cilju odvlačenja Makedonske štete ka Hrvatskoj.Na ovom frontu ni jedna država ne može napredovati previše.
Ukoliko bi Makedonija previše prodrla u hrvatske originalne regije Makedonija bi došla u situaciju da poseduje prerastegnut front koji bi se nakon toga lako raspao.
Hrvatska sa druge stane ima šansu za povratak Italije na mapu i drain makedonske štete prvenstveno zbog Grka.

UK,Švedska vs Kanada,Irska

UK već duže vreme vodi borbe na dva fronta.
Irska polako popušta pod pritiskom UK ali Kanada uporno vrši napade sa severa i time nastavlja da ugrožava originalne regije UK.
Na ovaj front se umešala i Švedska koja pokreće napad sa krajnjeg severa Evrope na Škotsku-trenutno pod okupacijom Kanade.
Ova pomoć švedske je ključna za prevagu snaga UK na ovom frontu.
Očekujem prodor Švedjana u samu Kanadu,dok će UK totalno okupirati Irsku i takodje nastaviti napade na Kanadu.

Nemačka vs Madjarska

Ovaj rat je Madjarska pomoć Poljskoj.
Madjarska uspešnim manevrima kroz Austriju izbija na Nemačku granicu.
Medjutim Nemačka prva napada Madjarsku u Salcburgu,nemački napad je odbijen i odmah pokrenut madjarski napad na Bavariju.

Srbija vs Rumunija,RW u Bugarskoj

Posle završetka rata sa Bugarskom i totalnog brisanja iste Srbija se osvrnula ka Rumuniji.
Rumunija nije i imala NE prema nikome a Madjarska je već dosta opterećena prolazom kroz Austriju,ratom sa Nemcima,pomoći savezu itd.
Zbog toga Srbija ulazi u konflikt sa Rumunijom i uzima Banat.
Ali ovu situaciju iskorištavaju Bugari i uspešno oslobadjaju tri regije na redu je i četvrta - Varna.
Bugarska će svoj NE najverovatnije upotrebiti što pre i to protiv Makedonije u cilju što jačeg rastezanja Makedonske odbrane.

Turska,Litvanija vs Rusija

Turska sa lakoćom uzastopno osvaja 6 regija od Rusije.
Litvanija uzima jednu regiju,Poljska dve nakon svega ovoga Rusija je svedena na svega tri regije.
Sad da li su Turska ili Litvanija spremne da nastave do kraja i obrišu Rusiju.
Nije stvar da li to mogu nego da li to hoće da urade.
Zato što bi na taj način Kina mogla biti izazvana ponovo ukoliko Turska ili Litvanija dobiju granicu sa Kinom.
Kina bi opet mogla pokrenuti noćne napade i prodrti u Evropu.

Estonija vs Finska

Estonija je povezala 5 pobeda i 5 osvojenih regija za redom na ovom frontu.
Slatka osveta Estonaca za silne napade Finske u prethodnom periodu.
Ovako sad izgleda mapa Estonije sa samo jednom regijom Finske koja je trenutno pod napadom.

English version

Croatia, Greece vs Macedonia

Since almost the whole of Eden and Terra is the offensive ONE alliance Croatia had to turn to make a step to help its membership.
After closing the north by Hungary Croatia focused on Macedonia.
Macedonia has made war with Greece, this war is disastrous and humiliating to Greece.
Greece has lost 14 consecutive region and do not have any winn in the battle in the war with Macedonia.
Greece has broken into four mutually unrelated fields.

This is why Croatia had to attack Macedonia.On this front, no country can prosper too.
If Macedonia too broke into the Croatian original region of Macedonia would come into a situation that has larg front that is then easily dissolved.
Croatia with the other side has a chance to return to Italy on the map and drain damage is primarily due to the Greeks.

UK, Sweden vs. Canada, Ireland

UK has long led the fight on two fronts.
Ireland is under pressure from UK but Canada is persistent attacks from the north and thus continue to endanger the original region of the UK.
On this front interfered and Sweden, which initiated an attack from the far north of Europe to Scotland-currently occupied by Canada.
The Swedish assistance is crucial for UK forces prevail on this front.
Swedes expect a breakthrough in Canada alone, while the UK total occupied Ireland and also to continue attacks on Canada.

Germany vs Hungary

This war is help Hungary Poland.
Hungary successful maneuvers through Austria broke out on the German border.
However the first attack Germany Hungary in Salzburg, the German attack was rejected and immediately Hungary launched an attack on the Bavaria.

Serbia vs Romania, Bulgarian RW

After the war ended with Bulgaria and total deletion of the same Serbian looked back to Romania.
Romania is not attacked by anyone and Hungary is already quite burdened by passing through Austria, the war against Germany, helping alliance and so on.
Therefore, Serbia is entering into conflict with Romania and takes Banat.
But this situation by exploiting the Bulgarians and successfully released three regions in line is a fourth - Varna.
Bulgaria will most likely NE use as soon as possible and attack Macedonia in order to have a stronger expansion of the Macedonian defense.

Turkey, Lithuania vs. Russia

Turkey easily won six consecutive regions of Russia.
Lithuania takes a region, Poland two after all this Russia is reduced to only three regions.
Now whether Turkey or Lithuania are ready to continue to the end and remove Russia.
It's not that it can but whether it wants to do.
Because in that way China could be induced again if Turkey and Lithuania get the border with China.
China could once again run night attacks and get into Europe.

Estonia vs Finland

Estonia has linked five wins and five regions won in a row on this front.
Estonians sweet revenge for the many attacks against Finland in the past.
Thus far it seems map of Estonia with only one region of Finland which is currently under attack.

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Milosh Feldmarshal