Nine in the Senate. The AMP is Locked and Loaded

Day 799, 03:36 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

The election has come and gone and the Australian Military Party has exceeded all expectations with all nine senators not only being voted in but three of us attaining the highest position our states have to offer.

AMP Warlords, Premier Ranger and Aus Askar reigned supreme in the West laying waste to all who stood in their way holding a two man apocalypse that saw an unprecedented number of votes steering them well clear of any opposition.

Cooldude97 will be bringing some major climate change to the red centre along with the states premier Wally ‘Tex’ Wilson Warlord of the North, Guardian of Uluru. I myself was very surprised at our result in Tasmania which sees me Larni Kaddlestorm standing as Empress... I mean Premier of the little isle.

Cupcakes reigned supreme when Blue Rayne fought off PTOer and present ALP President Pizza the Hut from gaining a slice of South Australia, confirming he is indeed the epitome of Fail

Bastien2 gained his seat in Queensland with a gunfight down to the last votes, as he would in any standoff for Australian rights and the freedom of our beloved country.

Sir David Newton remained constant and steadfast as ever in N.S.W. With due diligence and respect from every other party his position was never in doubt unlike Frymonmon who performed a minor miracle gaining a seat in the hotly contested state of Victoria. I plan on asking him to turn water into wine when I have the chance to congratulate him in person.

Nine out of nine, a one hundred percent result. That is not only astounding but is already shaking the halls of the senate to its foundations as the first of our bills are being introduced. Detailing a restructuring of the Military that is the brain child of Ranger.

Our second bill, which will be introduced in a few days, deals with the inner workings of the community. Promoting a safe healthy and enjoyable environment for ALL players, old and new.

This is a game, something that the powers that be have long since forgotten and the AMP will return fun to the game.

Many of you have united under our banner, 105 members during the election, 108 members the day later. We are growing, snowballing and soon will pass the ALP and become the fourth most popular party in eAustralia. If you take away the zombie and dead members of the other parties then the AMP levels out in second place by a large margin and I have no doubt that our activity is second to none.

We are the Voice of Australia and with nine senators, three who are Premiers, we will NOW be heard.

To become part of the AMP you need to first join the party:

I then suggest you register on the Aus forums, and apply for AMP membership:

Profile---forum profile---modify profile--- group membership--- and apply for AMP.

To talk to us in person please visit the IRC room: press #ausrep irc when the java loads up type /join #ausmilitaryparty