New eRepublik Tool - eRepublic Plus got even better!!! (version 0.30 released)

Day 548, 11:24 Published in Croatia USA by Troegenator

Peek-a-boo guys and gals,

eNew eRelease of eYour eFavorite eTool is eOut. More e than ever.

So, what's new?

First, Newspaper Editor is rewritten from scratch, as the old one used too many patches
to eRepublik code and was a bit 'jumpy'. So, now, you have a brand new one.

And it looks so cool that I've decided to include it to forum pages so you can now
enjoy the luxury of formatting your forum posts too. So have some fun as I had here and here. 🙂
We don't like ads, but on the other side, if they are already here, let them at least be shinny and eye-catchy.
Everyone likes eye-candy stuff from time to time, right? And it will be beneficial for your business too. So, go and spice up your comments and ads too.

All those media moguls got nice tool, soldiers got damage in Army page, company owners got wellness shown on All employees page, those traders got Monetary Market 'Swap' button, hard workers got links for easier filtering of job offers, the rest of us got save links and now forum post editor.

And, who I forgot?

Of course, Organizations did not have specific tool, so here it is:

Raw material unit price shown below declared price.

In example, did you know that if you buy 2 pieces of Q5 raw material it's equivalent to 10 pieces of Q1? So, how to tell what is a better deal? You need to calculate unit price or price per quality level, and that's exactly what new eRepublik Plus feature is doing. So, you have real and comparable prices of raw materials now. It's somewhat ugly but I hope useful. I really had no room to squeeze this piece of information. Believe me, in beta it was even uglier. 🙂

Now, go and download eRepublik Plus v0.30 and have some more fun.

Don't forget to vote and subscribe. Soon, you will have a chance to win a price.
But, you'll have a chance only if you subscribe.

Also, please, pretty please, with sugar and cream on top, show some love and donate if you haven't already as eRepublik Plus is donationware. Just to know I am doing good, and to keep me motivated. One tiny piece of gold is more than enough.

As usual, you can comment, post your suggestions and criticism. I promise I will not ban you for that, nor I will bite or stink or something. 🙂

Stay cute and cool,
Truly yours PeeKaBooh