National Front Congressional Candidates

Day 1,374, 01:30 Published in New Zealand Austria by Balkan Beast

Hello citizens of eNew Zealand, today is an important day in the history of our nation. Our next parliament is currently being decided, and it would be wonderful if you would support the National Front New Zealand Party by offering your votes to our respective candidates.

Here is the list containing the official National Front Candidates for each region.


- Faust Socyn
- Naxhi24

New South Wales
-Balkan Beast

These are the Candidates for the National Front Party, If you would like to support them you're more than welcome to do so.

If elected, these men will be working with the rest of the eNew Zealand Parliament to continue to keep our country's prosperity.

I wish the candidates from the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party, Ranginui, Red Label Party, and Ujedinjenje ili smrt luck in the elections and hope that their candidates will be a shining pillar of loyalty, justice, and dedication.

That's honestly, sorry if you didn't like the article, I haven't written one in many months 🙂