Day 3,101, 12:13 Published in Germany Germany by OttoderVolksstimme

I am outraged at how we contiue to be invadied and never grow beyond 6 regions, i talked to the leader and this is what he said. Honestly, your newspaper is stating false information 24/7. Obviously our alliance is a joke hence we joined it. The wars we currently have, were organized by me.
They are training wars...
We are not supposed to win the battles in order to keep the war going.. ?! 😐

You should ask for information before blurting out stuff that is 100% incorrect. Thank you.
His reponse to my asking that we need to get a better a alliance and need to use them to gain back our land and keep the invaders out of this great conutry.Let me stop rambling before i blow a gasket.i am like really mad.

vote for me in theparty eletions.

til next time auf Wiedersehen