My intent for a Media Mogul medal.

Day 1,041, 17:10 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

My arguments for you to vote and subscribe to this paper are two fol😛 Content and Bribery.

Content: I am not as active as I once was, but I will be again. Today I received my latest Hard Worker medal, which I honestly had to work for; My computer broke about three weeks ago so I had to borrow or beg to use other peoples at least once per day. I am consistent with writing regarding issues that matter, well matter to me anyways. Which means they were interesting enough and straightforward to comment on with out being silly or a jerk. I put effort into providing decent writing(I ain't great) and pretty pictures in my paper. If I had the time to revive eRep Squares I would have already. I've been doing this for a while. I've been gone for a month or two without activity but will be back eventually. You shouldn't be concerned about spam, or continuous postings asking for help or listing instructions for some sort of political action. I run for Congress when I have the time to commit but a platform a month is about as far as I go. You would be subscribing to a decent paper. If you want to provide a reference or testimonial to this effect PM me or post a comment please.

Bribery: In the past I can remember MM drives with free stuff handed out. I may as well try that. Its how things are done I suppose. THIS IS NOT THAT POST HOWEVER. In this post I am simply dipping my toe into the pool of support from the experienced players I know frequent my paper to ask their thoughts and to learn about how they've gone about it before. I'm resourceful and creative. May as well explore new options before going to the old standards. I've got something planned that may work well with low effort and give a reasonable return. Those of you who know my personal situation can understand how time is more an issue to me then gold is. I am comfortable however not rich beyond care. I simply want to work towards a goal. Today and for the next little while that goal is a Media Mogul Medal.
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." For those who know me, does it not seem odd that I have not reached one thousand readers yet? Yeah I thought so too. So lets do this!

Tune in tomorrow to read how I plan to reach my goal through philanthropy!