MPP in eWorld

Day 359, 05:20 Published in USA Indonesia by Rinisawa Zhu

Hello Citizens,

We’ve heard a rumor that Ares, the God of War, intends to enter the New World transforming every border into a battlefield. This is based on the chaos predicted for the 14th of November when Mutual Protection Pacts (MPP), started on the first day of V1, are supposed to expire.

But if Ares is really going to pay us a visit he will have a surprise when he finds that it is pretty difficult to force a free-for-all world war. That's because Mutual Protection Pacts can be proposed and voted for continually before they expire.

Portugal already made this step and now has a two-month MPP with Brazil.

Make use of this feature and forge your alliances now. Especially because in V1 even the attackers' MPPs can be activated when a counter-attack starts against them. Take into consideration that MPPs will NOT be activated for a region in which an Independence War can be started (a region that in real life doesn't belong to its eRepublik owner).

Important updates:
1. Human resources filters function as they should
2. Quality filter in Marketplace is now set by default to “all quality”
2. Shouting on Internet Explorer is now possible
3. The wars from country page are correctly displayed
4. Income tax is now taken from the citizen or from the companies when collecting
5. Solved problems that occurred when using "next pages” and filters
6. All the posted offers are now available for viewing from "Show my offers" page in exchange market
7. All slots from the inventory can be used in donations
8. The “best of” info is updated more frequently

Fun fact:
Did you know that besides the daily Food script, that we also have the daily Death script (this script checks your wellness daily and if your wellness level is 0 your citizen will die). The developer that worked on the Death script is the one who also created the war module. Pretty creepy guy.
It will be easy for us to decide who will develop a possible graveyard industry in eRepublik.
