Mitch Rapp for President: The Program

Day 806, 10:20 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

First I want to thank LP and Mighty Sigh for their support. Mighty Sigh has decided to drop out and support me.

In my last article I showed why I am qualified to be President of the UNL. Now, I like to explain what I will do when elected as President:


We are part of Phoenix and this has brought us much fun (invasion of the UK and our attack on Poland) and also provides us with the best protection around (Hungary, Russia and Serbia). As President I will be representing our nation in Phoenix and as such will do everything I can to make Phoenix work better. Unlike my opponent I am not willing to make friends with any nation that is part of EDEN. Why? Well, anyone that attacks a friend of mine (the UK) is an enemy of mine. Every country in EDEN is involved in the invasion of the UK so every country in EDEN is our enemy.

Daily battles

I was one of the people who was pushing congress and our President to propose and accept a MPP with the UK and we now see the benefits of that decision. I strongly believe that we need daily battles in order to get new citizens growing, making our country defensively stronger and help our economy. Only the President can arrange for MPPs with other nations and as such I will make sure that we will have MPPs that provide those daily battles.


I do not consider myself an Unionist BUT i do consider myself a Realist. Reality is that Belgium is right now an independent nation with a functioning government. Does this mean that the Union is dead? No, Belgium and the Netherlands merged to begin with because we BOTH benefited from it. Paying for MPPs, providing daily battles, having a government that functions with active people, providing jobs are much easier to accomplish with a bigger population and makes the game more fun for all of us. Making a babyboom is extremely difficult and therefore we, both the Netherlands and Belgium, merged.

I am convinced that in the future we again shall merge because we both benefit from it and that is the only way it will work. So as President I will support the pro-union forces in both countries anyway I can because this is for the good of both nations.


Last month I was Minister of Recruitment & Coaching and together with Daniel Parker and Refl3x (re)started posting on forums and other Internet outlets. The result? Just three forums provided more than a 150 new players in one month. These efforts combined with a more efficient coaching have given us a significant increase in population. This needs to be
continued and I want to continue to provide my help as President.

Now that the groundwork is done it is time to start creating bigger media exposure. Flando started this by E-mailing a newspaper but we need to co-ordinate this better. Our allies in Phoenix have extensive experience with this and I already suggested to them that we start coordinating within the alliance better and sharing information and experience. As President I will be a link that connects that experience from, for example, Serbia to our people here.

So on election day I urge you to vote for Mitch Rapp and help me make a better United Netherlands!

Vote Mitch Rapp for President