Mitch Rapp for President

Day 866, 11:07 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

Dear fellow citizens,

With the other candidates you get a lot of promises and you have to see if they will fulfill these promises. With me you know what you are getting and so far things have gone good in our country. People have jobs, companies are making profit and the NLG is strong but that is not enough. If elected I will do the following things.


Our southern neighbors have overplayed their cards and demanded and stolen way too much from us. If elected I will put all my time and effort in making sure they will not get anything more than the two State Companies they already stole from us. Anything more is unacceptable. I strongly believe we done more than enough for the Belgians and especially since they still haven’t returned the stolen companies to us.

Daily Battles

I will continue to work hard and lobby for daily battles. Sometimes the big countries in PHOENIX forget us smaller ones. At times like that they need someone they know reminding them that we too are in need of battles. All the big players know me by now and they will listen when I remind them.


I remain committed and active in the recruitment of new players and will work closely Garmr (Minister of Recruitment & Coaching). However, increasing the amount of new players being born each day is extremely difficult and above all time consuming. Right now we are declining slowly to around 1100 but more is possible.

So vote Mitch Rapp for President