Militia Up

Day 632, 12:51 Published in USA USA by Hampton H. Hampton

Do what the title says and Milita up by getting your "Social Builer Award."

I joined July 22nd and I have 5 new people playing via my invites, going to my old roomates house today to force him to accept my invite.

Getting 10 people to join gets you 55g, yeah thats 55 GOLD!!!

My 55 gold will be going to bulk weapons purchases to supply my Crew with. IF the military ever responds to the applications I've sent in they will find out I have a solid squad behind me. You see it's this lack of contact with the military that has forced me to form a milita. The weapons will assist us in organized attacks on enemy possitions.

I currently inform my Crew to follow the DoD, even though I don't always agree with the orders.

I've instructed them to start in NJ or Florida and to get jobs in weapon manufacturing or Iron Minning.

I've also donated a bit of food to them to get them started.

So far my recruits are: My Brother, my curent roomate, a guy I grew up with, 2 guys I used play a different PC game with, and soon to be my old roomate. From there I will push on to othere people from other PC games and more folks I grew up with.

I'm encourageing my recruits to send out invites aswell and blow this place up with a baby boom.

I am going to get the "Social Builder Award" I strongly insist that all of you eAmerican do the same.

"Pain Heals. Chicks dig scars, but Glory,.....Glory lasts forever"

Actions boys, the speak a hell of alot louder than words.