Looking ahead

Day 1,253, 22:44 Published in South Africa Belgium by Whiteheart

In these tumultuous times, it is easy to act impulsively, to become emotional and to point fingers. That, however, does not serve any useful purpose and only exacerbates the crisis.

It makes more sense to look at the facts rationally and base our decisions on that:
1. We will most likely always share a border with eBrazil.
2. Barring a near-miraculous baby boom and/or huge amounts of gold purchases, we will not be able to match eBrazil militarily on our own any time soon.
3. No alliance (ONE, Terra, or any other) will spend resources on our defense if it does not make sense strategically for the alliance as a whole.
4. In this game, it does not make sense to trust any country, as allegiances can literally change while you sleep.
5. We are not in a position to demand much from the Brazilians at the moment.

I trust that the South African leadership are taking these facts into consideration as they engage the Brazilian government in order to find a diplomatic solution to our current dilemma.