Local elections results.

Day 275, 04:59 Published in South Africa Croatia by Sucko

I'm sorry, i didnt write this article sooner, but here we go.

New mayor here is Deus Ex, from Black Lion Front party. (BLF) He doesnt play this game a long time, and he is first time mayor, but he seems very active, and I wish him good work!
It was big fight for mayor of Mmbatho, and Deus has got 31.48% of votes, he had one vote more then Otto!

Orangedude66 is new mayor of Bloemfontein, from biggest party in SA, Free Africa! He is mayor first time too. I dont know a lot of about him, but I hope he will work hard!
Here was the biggest fight, he won with only 18.87% of all votes! I think he had around 2-3 votes for him.

I'm new mayor here (Sucko). I come from Proud Africa party. Ive already been mayor, in UK, mayor of Namur. I made impressive win. 25 votes for me. You will see my activity!

Congratulations to Esteban Delgado. He is new mayor here. And he is first time mayor too! He comes from Black Lion Front party. I hope he will show his activity, and be a good mayor.

The capital of South Africa now. The city with biggest population in SA. Here is mayor Eternal_Winter, with double responsibility, double more citizens, then in any other city. Eternal really play this game a long time, even longer then me, but, he is first time mayor too! He really must work hard. He comes from
African Socialist Party.

Black Lion Front party 2 mayors- Deus Ex and Esteban Delgado
Free Africa 1 mayor- Orangedude66
Proud Africa 1 mayor- Sucko
African Socialist Party 1 mayor- Eternal_Winter

My opinion on this elections, hm, not so good, too many unexpirienced players, most of them as usually will be inactive on mayor position. On next local elections something must be different! But, who knows, maybe I'm wrong? I only know, that I will give my best, work hard. Ive alreday started to add every citizen in my city, as my friend, I will today write list of all members in city, so i will be able to know who is new city. To every new citizen i will send send massage. I will greet him, and learn his basics of this game. That's the way, how to improve activity, because a lot of new players here, stop play this game at begining.
Taxes, on companys were 0%, but taxes for houses were 10 ZAR, ive changed it, as i sad in my candidature for Nelspruit. I think, that life in SA, is very hard, low wages, big prices, why would I make life more harder to my citizens?
My salary is 8 ZAR, i think that is really sad, i will try to improve my salary. Why? So, I can buy more gifts, I dont need money for myself, I only buy q1 food (since i work in q2 company, i will need q2 foo😛( ), 1 ZAR, so all money, which left, I spend it on gifts! I hope that govermant will help me in giving gifts, as govermant of UK helped me. They gave around 150 GBP, (around 300 ZAR) for gifts! It is not needed that much big help, but around 100 ZAR for one month is enough. I will every week write articles, about news in my city, who is inactive, who is new....