LJSilver cares about eCanadian citizens and businesses

Day 703, 04:43 Published in Canada Canada by LJSilver
LJSilver cares about eCanadian citizens and businesses


http://i.imagehost.org/view/0608/Pirate">http://i.imagehost.org/0608/Pirate.jpg" border="0" width="275" height="365" alt="ImageHost.org" />

Running in the September congressional elections, I won my seat in the Yukon and have been actively pursuing my platform in the eCanada forums. Participating fully in these forums was a rewarding albeit eye-opening experience.

My platform include😛

New citizen support and mentoring
- A mentorship program is underway with health , weapons, education, and employment support programs included.
- I'm still working on tax deductions for citizens who donate to any eCanadian government institution.

Military communication and civilian weapons
- Information sharing between the CAF and the Government has improved significantly.
-Weapons are being offered, if not free, then at a reduced cost to new and experienced eCanadian warriors.

- I have supported tax reductions and have voted against all income tax increases.
- I have supported and voted for increasing import taxes to aid existing companies struggling to stay afloat during, and after, times of conflict.
- I have not supported raising minimum wages. On the surface, this may not be seen as a positive for citizens however, small businesses in eCanada need to be supported in order to compete with foreign owned companies. Keeping costs down allows businesses to remain open, to offer employment to more citizens, and encourages economic growth, thereby expanding the population in lower populated areas. This is tied in with health, weapons, and moving tickets programs.

Foreign relations
- I have supported strong diplomatic ties to ALL countries in eRepublic, an issue fundamental to harmonious relations.
- I have voted in support of all mutual protection pacts between eCanada and other countries in order to form a strong alliance
- I have encouraged dialogue between eCanada and the countries who have been at war with us in order to improve relations .

- I supported hospitals being built in all high population provinces. Alberta (Q5), Quebec (Q5), Ontario (Q5), British Columbia and Nova Scotia (Q4) all now have hospitals.
- As business and employment opportunities increase in the other provinces and territories, in turn increasing those areas' populations, I support further hospitals built there as well.
- A limited number of free moving tickets have been made available for those who are forced to move when freely giving up their livelihoods to defend our country.

To encourage more transparency, I offer a summary of my congressional votes and the proposal outcomes:

President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with USA - yes - accepted.
Minimum wage change from 1.5 CAD to 1.51 CAD - no - rejected.
Import Tax change (to 50 from 40😵: Food - yes - accepted.
Citizen fee change from 5 CAD to 5.01 CAD - no - rejected.
Minimum wage change from 1.5 CAD to 1.6 CAD - no - rejected.
Import Tax change (from 20 to 50😵: Diamonds - yes - accepted.
Income Tax change (from 10 to 15😵: Wood - no - accepted.
Citizen fee change (from 5 CAD to 7.5 CAD - no - rejected.
Income Tax change (from 15 to 5😵: Weapon - yes - defeated.
Income Tax change (from 15 to 10😵: Wood - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 50 to 20😵: Diamonds - yes - accepted.
President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Malaysia - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Ukraine - yes - accepted.
Buy a hospital of quality 5 for Quebec? - yes - accepted.
Buy a hospital of quality 4 for Nova Scotia? - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Poland - yes - accepted.
President of Sweden proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
President of Canada to end this office (impeachment)? - no - rejected.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania - yes - accepted.
President of Slovakia proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
Buy a hospital of quality 5 for Ontario? - yes - accepted.
New Citizen Message - yes - accepted.
Income Tax change (from 10 to 15😵: Wood - no - accepted.
Income Tax change (from 10 to 15😵: Gift - no - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 10 to 20😵: Gift - yes - accepted.

There is more work to be done and there are more changes to be made. Help me make those changes possible.

Vote for the future of eCanada, it's citizens and it's businesses.
Vote for a citizen with a workable vision.
Vote LJSilver - Congressman in the Yukon