Life of an eRepublik Nobody: Part 1 (Revised)

Day 460, 09:10 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

I have decided to keep me occupied to write a series of compositions (smart huh?) about being a newbie in the eRepublik world. The words in quotes are what I was thinking at that time. So anyway have fun, fun, fun reading!

"Hmm, I wonder where that link goes." I was sitting at my computer doing whoever knows what when I saw an ad for eRepublik in the lower right corner. "Looks interesting enough, why not follow it?" I then clicked on the link and I get re-directed to the eRepublik home page. I then followed the sign-up instructions after reading what it was about. Bam! I then fell out of the sky and landed in eCalifornia in the eUSA in the eWorld. I then find a note in my pocket from admin telling me to upload an avatar and find a job and other random things I don't know about. "I'll use that Dodgers logo I have on my computer." So I go and upload it as my avatar easy enough.

Next I read the wiki which gives me a rough understanding of the game. I go to human resources because that is what the almighty admin tell me to do. So I wait and wait at the office for a while before I get called in. "Finally I can get a job so I can eat, I'm starving." After being interviewed and shown the list of employers who would take an unskilled worker like me I decide on the highest paying job available, one in construction.

I go to work immediately in my nice suit that happened to fall with me from the sky. So with no introduction from the boss or a hello from the employees I clock in and get to work. "Building houses should be easy enough. So nail here and," wack! "Ouch! My finger! Oh it hurts but I have to carry on if I want pay for today." Finally I get out of work with my first 2 USD to my name and go to eat. "Look a Red Lobster! Wait I don't have enough money for that, I guess I'll have something from that hot dog vendor over there." I payed the man $1.50 and started eating. "Ugh, this is horrible; I wonder why the word 'meat' was in quotes."

I then wondered into the nearest bathroom in the park and changed into my street clothes otherwise known as my everything except job interview clothes. I then looked around for a nice park bench to sleep on because I don't have a house. "I hope some other hobo doesn't steal the only $.50 I have left."

To Be Continued...
(Sorry if you think I'm spamming by republishing this article but I noticed many changes I should of noticed before)