Larni- The Protest Vote

Day 1,170, 16:18 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I have decided to write a brief article explaining the present situation for the next CP of eAustralia. DIYPA’s basic response is, ‘This is ANP’s mess, let them deal with it’ and I must admit I am inclined to agree. This last month has been disastrous on both internally and on the world stage, they have completely failed to live up to any of their promises and indeed the situation does not look like improving any time soon.

So now we look at the other option running, Paul Hamon.... if Sir C0nstant’s reign is a disaster I dread to think what would happen if PH actually gained power. Our nation would grind to a halt and without the CP functions we would die quicker than if we were pto’d again.

Worse still is the plain simple fact that if for some reason Sir C gets impeached or quits then Paul would become the CP by default...

Which is where I come in. The DIYPA party are aware of the undercurrent in the eAus society as many are clearly becoming aware of the false promises made during the last election. We fear that the backlash may see people voting for Paul out of protest and this is clearly not a good thing.

So I am running as the CP Candidate for the DIYPA party. We are busy actively working behind the scenes with many of our acts and amendments passing through senate, even as I write this, and had not even decided to run a candidate at all until we were informed the Australian Independents were not running a candidate.

So are we equipped for a CP run? Not as such, in a perfect world we would have had another month to prepare. However that is not how things have worked out and we are forced to put a candidate forward.

That candidate is me, Larni Kaddlestorm. I have a military record beyond doubt and am responsible for the organisation that went into the Liberation Resistance Wars that saw us whitewash the eIndonesian opposition across all states. I am a multi time senator and congress member and have all the contacts in EDEN and our allies to know that attacking Chile was a mistake.

When I voiced my concerns as MoFA, I was ignored and had actually made the mistake of assuming our Gov had made the proper preparations.... obviously they did not and we were embarrassed a second time on the world stage within a few weeks. (The first time was the complete mess of the landswap with eNZ. Its very hard maintaining respect in the EDEN rooms with that nonsense going on.)

So you know me. A lot of you do not like me and that is understandable but my reputation on the world stage amongst both our allies and our enemies is one of a planner, a thinker and one capable of being truly AWESOME. (had to do it at least once) I do not do things by halves and make sure I take everything into consideration before I open the door.

What would I do differently to what has happened this month?

I would actually release articles that contained truth and not simply government propaganda. If a minister is not pulling their weight I will replace them. I would guarantee to do my best in retaking our captured homelands and not focus on so called ‘weaker’ nations abroad.

I can get support for RW’s in WA, SA and Victoria from amongst our allies but once we look at instigating battles off shore I guarantee there will be no support. We are not an Imperialist nation and it was foolish to even consider the notion.

As for government transparency, I will make no promises there though senate will be heavily involved in any decisions our nation makes. Obviously there are some things that need to be kept out of the spotlight but allowing the country to function blind as it has been this month is ludicrous. That will not happen. People will be aware of what is going on and articles will be posted every second to third day. Even if they say nothing, they keep the Gov in touch with the people.

I will release another article within the next day or so with my cabinet (just in case the protest vote is more than we anticipated) and will be ready to assume the mantle immediately. Like I have proven in the past, I like to be prepared and cover all contingencies.

Ideally I would like to see Sir C’s have another month, judging him as a failed CP after only one month is a bit harsh even for me. He has been diligent in his duties but simply trusted the voices of the wrong people. A lesson he will either learn from or he will not. Either way I wish him luck in the elections and in the next month.

*sits back and prepares for the obvious trolling from infin,docterdry and KH avatars....ohhh forgot the obvious picture in an attempt to gain more votes....

Really, what did you expect lol

ok fine, by popular request here's one for the boys: