Larni: The Final CP article

Day 1,172, 21:07 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen



Not really sure how this should go considering the lack of cohesive comments from the opposition quarters. So I thought I’d talk a little about me. I’m just over a year old in this game and have accomplished pretty much everything there is to do in this game. In my third month I was deemed such a threat that I had my own troll squad assigned to me who. If you look back through every article I have posted you will see the same names popping up who have always been there to comment negatively regardless of what my article was about.

It was these bully tactics that made me push harder. I was told I was worthless and would never accomplish anything in the game so I became PP of a dead party, turned it into a top 5 juggernaut that was pretty much unopposed for about 5 months till I stepped back. I did this an example of what new players can accomplish. But some of the old school still don’t understand, those that 'get it' have come to my side of the argument.

I see people now, like I was back then, desires and ambition but constantly thwarted by the ruling class and never allowed to grow to their full potential. In my cabinet this term I have included a few names of those who have impressed me and most importantly stood against me with grace and dignity. I am not interested in blind followers.

What I am interested in is strengthening our nation, internally and externally. I am interested in creating a nation that truly represents eAustralia and not simply the ruling class. Through DIYPA I believe this can be attained. Presently there are dozens of acts and rules that for laypeople are too confusing and daunting. DIYPA is eradication 95% of them and merging them into one single document that briefly outlines what is expected of you as a senator, congressman, member of the eAustralian community.

This is only the first step.

I truly believe in openness and think the Cabinet and the Congress should be combined together, major decisions should be made by the elected officials, not the friends of the Country President. To do this a Shadow Ministry would be the best option, people who will openly oppose the Governments decisions publicly and force the Government to announce intentions of their actions. I have always dreamt of a day where parties will be held accountable for the actions of the candidates they endorse and CP’s will be accountable for the Ministers they select. Having a Shadow Cabinet is not only logical but will also keep all of eAustralia up to speed on recent events.

As for the eIndo situation, as I said last month… I am not finished there, nor will I ever be until we have a complete nation back. Whether or not we must resort to blind force or diplomacy to get this done will depend on the circumstances but without the threat of Open Citizenship hanging over our heads anymore we in truth have little to lose. I will certainly not be blackmailed by them like they are presently attempting to do with regards to their war Vs eUSA. (eAus citizens should be able to see the thread in the senate section of the forums)

I have no intention of discussing the Chile/eNewZealand situation simple because that should be resolved long before next month.

So why am I not unleashing everything and attempting to win this month?

My name was put forward simply because AI did not field a candidate and ideally we need someone to come in second place as a safety net. Protection incase something happens to Sir C (who should win by a long margin) There is so much work to be done in the Government that inheriting it in its present state would hinder whatever it is they are trying to accomplish and make this last month a waste since I would back down on almost every deal and agreement they have made.

When I began to organize the Liberation RW’s almost 6 weeks ago, I had thought our nation had suffered enough and were ready for the rebirth we must undertake as a nation to grow. I was wrong, within a week the political games had started all over again.

But this is how our present society works and unless something drastic changes, that is the way we will continue to be seen around the world. There are a lot of people that are behind the scenes trying to forge a new path forward. Those who will step aside and allow others who are perhaps better suited at the time to rise. If anyone has ideas, desires, thoughts and opinions about what needs to happen please feel free to contact myself or any member of the DIYPA. We are not, as some would claim, elitist, in fact we are very far from it.

So do I really think Sir C is a better candidate than myself for this term? Honestly no, not by a long shot and have already made my feelings clear in my first article. But I also understand that a decision to run as a second place back up candidate will not lead to a CP term with only 3 days notice. People ask why I am running for second place, why not have a shot at the big chair?

Truth is we are all consigned to Sir C and the ANP remaining in power for another month and personally I wish him well but he will needs to pick up his game. The people are watching and the Government will become accountable for their errors in judgment and their lack of transparency and the blatant propaganda articles will be dissected with thoughtful and concise criticism. DIYPA is almost ready to start implementing the changes we as a nation needs.

Playtime is over.

Hmm pictures... considering the theme song....

And one for the boys... this is getting hard apparently the last one wasn't considered hot enough....

If she's not good enough blame infin 😛