Larni: The evolution of a New Player

Day 1,137, 19:11 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

In case people have been sleeping these last few days you would all have seen the political ambition hammering the articles, either from candidates or weakly veiled ‘statements’ from their friends and party members. This is usually referred to as trolling and attempting to undermine potential candidates, especially when topics discussed are in locked cabinet forums, or senate secret sections. This allows for the seeds of deception to be laid and confusion over who is the best candidate etc etc. It is a common ploy I have only ever seen used effectively by the AMP who were a lot more subtle in their practices.

So now I will explain a few things about myself and why I have not stuck with the ‘accepted process’ by releasing more details on cabinets, platforms, announcements released to sow the seeds of doubt in the confidence of my various oppositions.

I am not like them at all, I have no over powering political ambition to rule eAustralia. I am not an elitist as many may claim, truth be told I had a large part in destroying the elitist community that held eaustralia in their grip when I arrived to the game only 388 days ago.

I am by far and away the youngest candidate in erep time, (I count Crowded House and Goose Step as the same). Yet they will paint the picture that I do not understand the new players point of view. So I will not simply place words on a page, I will show you my evolution within my first 3 months of playing.

When I started playing eBrazil invaded WA and me, with a strength under 30 found a way I could help. I discovered article’s and tested the water a little. I invite you all to read my first group of articles : '' and the consecutive articles concluding with the Soldier Boy. This is how I introduced myself to eAustralia, and then I started noticing a few things.

The next article: ''> was my first foray into politics. Followed by my initiating the debate process for CP candidates: ''> a practice still in effect today.

Then at barely two months old I decided that things had to change, I was trolled endless on the forum for my concepts and ideas because I was a stupid n00b who knew nothing. The power mongers had the leadership all under control and there was nothing I could do about it.
I am not one who simply sits by idly and watches. So I did this: ' '> and changed the landscape of eAustralian politics.

As the articles that follow show the Australian Military Party grew to phenomenal levels and over the next 6 months 5 CP’s were elected from within the party. It was then that I stood down and the party slowly began to die. Wally Wilson our present CP in game is just as responsible as myself for the success of the AMP but I had proven my point.

If the Elites would not listen to me, then I would force them to.

I continued playing the political games for another month or two but quickly grew tired of it. Truth be told there was no real competition, much the same as there is simply trolls and false promises circulating the articles lately. I have never resorted to such tactics and decided to remove myself entirely from the political scene.

Then through the eIndo PTO I created a group called The Damned, who’s sole function was to gather knowledge and understanding on what had happened, how multies had so easily infiltrated our community and I was also named as Director of the National Security Agency. A position I held for 3 month while running The Damned in the background. In knowledge there is power so I gained the knowledge needed to fight back. Once the PTO was over, I disbanded The Damned and went back into the shadows.

Until we were wiped out by the eIndo horde... I became MoD amongst turmoil and powertrips of people who’s day had long since past and despite the interference from others I successfully planed what could well be classed as the greatest military victory in our nation. The following day I stood down, my work was done and it was up to the politicians to manage things now.

They failed, and amongst the dejected eAustralians and our allies from around the world a popular thought arose, one that I refused to embrace. I did not want to be CP... however I had no choice in the matter, out of respect for our allies, our soldiers, and our new players who trusted in me I have thrown my hat into the ring because I am the only one who can do this job.

eIndonesia respect me as a military figure, which gives me a voice to stand up to them with. I am not a weakling or failed person who has always been defeated. I stood up to them and proved what could be accomplished, eIndo and the world respects that.

The Great One, has named me as the new AWESOME a title which is incredibly vain but when I look back at the past 388 days I can understand, the accomplishments of this simple newbie are impressive. I have shown EXACTLY what new players can accomplish and why placing new players in the corner and telling them to toe the line is not a very smart move.

Unlike the claims that my cabinet is not new player friendly, All the subordinate position are available for those wanting to get a feel of cabinet and their voices will be listened to just as much as the experienced players. I was a new player only 388 days ago so I still have that connection to them and I have taken a few under my wings, sending them food and weapons when I have some spare, talking to them, moving them up chains of command in the military.

New players are the leaders of tomorrow. However we need the leaders of today to do what must be done.

Onto other things:

I will not be releasing a platform, my cabinet knows what is needed and are also able to think on the fly. Laying down a foundation based on assumptions is simply robbing the voting public of what they need.

eAustralia needs inspiration, they need to know that the person at the top will get things done. They need to know that the ministers are the best at what they do and I believe I have this covered from all angles.

My ministers are capable of making the hard call, they are capable of standing against me and simply saying ‘No’ I am not interested in a group of people who blindly follow the CP. The people I have selected all have contacts with our allies and can communicate emergency instructions to them with or without my approval.


One simple comment from me will do; what would the eAus people want their CP to be focusing on? The events in Hungry and Serbia? The eaustralian ministry of culture? Or protecting our nation and making sure we are still around to be concerned about world events?


Its not hard to be awesome, make an announcement that you will do something (Notice of Intent article released in my 2nd month) and then DO IT even though people claim it is impossible. They said the same about the Liberation RW’s, yet I announced what would happen... and I DID IT. I have never sat back and simply relied on near enough being good enough. I tend to go overboard and ensure it will happen as I said.

The Liberation RW’s were designed for 3 states with the others all being diversions, (we only had 400g in the budget for it with an additional 100g approved by senate if needed) Yet apparently I went a little overboard with it, in a good way.  and it indeed a day of AWESOME.

On CP Candidates:

Truth be told I am not the best candidate experience wise, nor am I the most politically minded candidate. I am a person that simple does things, a weapon. As a wartime CP I am simply put the best qualified with the most impressive and effective record.

In times of peace I would never have run for CP, however with the present state of eAus... I am the only choice, even if it is simply for bargaining with the eIndo’s like our present government seems intent on doing. My reputation holds more weight than the other CP candidates combined.

Second choice and I guess who would be my preferred CP if people are unwilling to vote for me would be Srg91. Any other choice is opening up eAustralia to a weakened stance. Srg may not be well known to the newer players in both eAus and eIndo but to the older ones, he has good standing and the ability to get things done.

Sir C0nstant is shaded by his association with the Australian National Party and three times he has failed to win the top seat. To believe that this time will be any different is simply naievity. Perhaps one day he will gain the position that I believe he has earned but while the ANP fail to learn from past mistakes I do not believe it bodes well for him this time. We need leadership that will make a country grow, Sir C is not that man.

Goose Step.... his most famous action in erep has been his rage quit porn article.... I really don’t know what more to say about him because there is nothing. He shows up around election time and decides that its in the nations best interest to vote for him.

If I think Sir C is the wrong option to vote for then you can rest assured Goose Step is not even on the playing field.

When the time for the forum vote for the AI, ATO candidate come up there will only be two people in the running, Srg91 and myself. The other two are using alternate parties to run through, this alone should prove their reasons for running for CP are simply out of self interest and not for the best interest of the nation.
