Jude Connors's Weekly Wednesday Night Town Hall & Squatters Festival

Day 696, 13:56 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

It's not Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, but every Wednesday night in the IRC Office of Congressman Jude Connors - AKA Yours Truly - I guarantee to raise a smile. See, that night is the night of the next (and probably first and only) IRC sensation
Jude Connors's Weekly Wednesday Night Town Hall & Squatters Festival

It started two Wednesdays ago, when I announced an open forum town hall style meeting in my IRC Chatroom (#Connors-Office). Even though my fellow freshman Congressman Rhinelander von Phalz thought that I would be in a room all by myself (honestly I did too), it turned out that about twenty people made it to the town hall. I was amazed.

Fivescott helped me get the whole thing together and we brainstormed on a second town hall. We decided to bring in guest speakers and then open the floor after each speaker was finished. The second forum had over twenty-five people in attendance with two speakers. We put together a new style to keep the town hall in order, with only one person being able to ask a question at a time. We got rave reviews, including this one from a relative newcomer to the eUSA:

Very informative, and it gets newbies like myself involved with both asking questions, and being in direct contact with policy makers. Great effin' idea.

and this one from a high level player (Chisholm):

You're really cool... like... You're probably the most interesting congressman... and the coolest for RPing the way you do... More congress should be like that, and more citizens should come to town hall things. Because people seem to forget you can still use "game mechs" and have fun RPing...

More info is available in the eUSA Forum. Check back regularly there and here at JUDE'S JOURNAL for continuing news and info on Jude Connors's Weekly Wednesday Night Town Hall & Squatters Festival. In addition, transcripts will be made available here. I hope to see you there - It's wonderful to be there... it's certainly a thrill!!!