Join and vote NGP in the Congress election!

Day 2,865, 11:30 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

Tomorrow is the congress-election, and we will give you some good reasons to vote Norwegian Green Party.

Firstly, we fulfill our election promises. In the last period we promise😛
• Traing War with Russia (fulfilled)
• Working for an increased population (fullfilled)
• More fun (fulfilled)

Why choose NGP again?
• NGP are an active and committed crew in both Governmenmt, Congress and the media.
• NGP want to promote several suggestions to get up capita number. We want to develop further the “New Norwegian Program”
• NGP want to engage new members through for example through NGP`s proposal “Forum registration bonus »
• We are an active and strong political force and NGP is a workshop for new and constructive ideas.
• And NGP want to make more fun for everybody!

Therefore, we wish that you give us your confidence and strength in the next congress-election. Join as member with us and be part of shaping policy.

Join and vote NGP!

Spokesperson NGP