Jeez! Here we go again...

Day 795, 16:59 Published in Canada Canada by Karsten Skeries

Better get some toilet paper! (10 CAD to the person who can tell me who said that)

It's that time again people. Congressional elections are quickly approaching and that means a flurry of badly spelled articles and empty congressional promises. Hopefully I can make this one different. Hopefully I can make it grammatically correct. As for empty promises, only time will tell.

You may notice my lack of fancy, custom made graphics. I only wish to convey my seriousness.


I support the CAF fully. This group deserves any and all CAD we can get them. I myself was debating whether to join the CAF or run for congress again, but by flipping a coin (like Rylde does so often) I chose congress.


I'm not going to pretend I'm some financial guru (I haven't even run a company), but I can say that I will consider the proposals of all those other congressmen who wish to change taxes. I will ask questions, seek advice and inform myself so I can better help the people of eCanada.

I will also try my hand at transference funds to Revenue Canada so we can actually use it.

Social Services

I know that certain provinces (Saskatchewan included) will never get a hospital. I wouldn't mind seeing more out there, but I know that for a while, this won't happen. I will, however, push for more participation from others in regards to the Baby Boom project Fram (aka nea milosu) is organizing, as well as the mentorship program.

So in conclusion, vote for me! I don't suck!

Karsten Skeries
DAL Media Director