Izvestaj - Nedelja (Delimo besplatan hleb)

Day 572, 03:11 Published in Serbia Serbia by MZS HLEB

Opet dame imaju prednost...

Doslo je i nasih 5 minuta...

III brigada Svedske Vojske.... xD

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Back to buisness...

Stanje donacija ulaz-izlaz:

Stvari & Novac:

PROximus_trade has transfered 10 products/raw materials to your inventory.
markone91 has transfered 10 BRL to your account.
Darlingsm has transfered 7 products to your inventory.
Omadon has transfered 1 products to your inventory.
Omadon has transfered 0.5 IDR to your account.
Anybite has transfered 2 products to your inventory.
Dimke has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
Dimke has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
miki89 has transfered 1 IDR to your account.
Geee15 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Jasna Ragus has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
Kavics78 has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
Sizofrenicar has transfered 1 products to your inventory.
Ministarstvo Obrazovanja Srba has transfered 5 products/raw materials to your inventory.
Aeriel has transfered 5 products to your inventory.



Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to DefenderOfFaith.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Delilah Julius.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Dado Radosevic.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to vitez KOJA95.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to ZooTraX.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Burek sir.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Veseli01.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Nenad prvi.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Dule a.k.a ZeMuNaC.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Milan M. Stojanovic.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Sizofrenicar.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to chmarni kolutic.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Vrac.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to MutuSR.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Blokovii.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to miladin84.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to MomciloS.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to DNikola.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Tazzz1991.

Ukupno: 95 komada

JinX_bG zamenik Ministra Zdravlja Srbije

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