IX: Privacy and OMS Concerns

Day 1,514, 12:24 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: http://youtu.be/NgcYfKw0_TI

Greetings and Salutations, Friends:

Today's edition brings up two major concerns that has leaped to the forefront of this week's drama sheet... OMS Funding and Privacy concerns.

Two big privacy matters came up recently. The first was the possiby illegal matter of Ajay Bruno (AKA Pizza the Hut, Pizza the Hut II, et al) releasing Pfeiffer's RL phone number to the world in public IRC Channels. As stated by Pfeiffer himself in his paper:

... he's crossed the line of simply spewing ignorance here in eRepublik, and has taken to calling me at home...three times.

I've warned him that another call will result in me approaching law enforcement for a restraining order, so I'm confident that despite evidence to the contrary, he isn't that dumb.

Despite what you think of Pfeiffer, it is wrong for anyone to give personal information like that out to the public. Not to mention the possible legalities involved. Finally, evidence shows that Ajay Bruno has been kicked out of a university for stalking people, so is there a reason for someone to be actually fearful of Ajay having their personal information? After all, he IS crazy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://pastebin.com/nyMg756c

One day later, Pfeiffer is removed as a Forum Administrator of the national forums because of snooping into forums/threads he has no business viewing; violating the trust of the forum owner, PigInZen.

Another hotly contested and drama-filled debate concerns the Office of Militia Support, the OMS.

XxBusinessMogulexX speaks of this in his paper, B.M. Entertainment and even includes a survey on what Americans think of the OMS Department.

I will say this: OMS needs an overhaul. SgtRock, the OMS Director has been making strides in the department and said this to me in IRC:

[11:10] I am trying as the director to overhaul the current rules
[11:10] working right now in congress

As I said, Rock already made strides, and I have full faith in him bettering the department. We have spoken at length and he is full aware of the obsticles and has made it a personal goal to fix the issues that plague the OMS.

Issues like units not following the orders of the President and his Advisers. Issues like militias who don't commune. Issues like militias that aren't based in the USA.

I hear Americans whining, but I see little legwork being done. Did you know that anyone can "check" into whether OMS militias are following American Presidential order by simply joining that unit? It's pretty easy, to be honest. There is one exception, however - Bad Company.

Bad Company is an OMS-funded militia that recently went back to Germany after we helped end the ONE occupation of their country. Today, they still fight alongside the US and our Terra allies. They also still receive OMS funding, despite being based now in Germany.

As I was researching this exact article, I was able to speak in detail with both the OMS Director and the Country President. During said discussion, President Oblige had this, which I believe ends all issues with this drama;

President Oblige: I was talking to reaktionaer about the status of Bad Company as a militia and he agreed to voluntarily withdraw from the OMS program. They will continue to strongly coordinate with the US on our military priorities.

SgtRock commented that this was a great, logical step in securing that OMS continues to serve it's purpose.

I agree.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

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