It's CP time!

Day 864, 00:56 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I know what you all are thinking, with 2 days before the election its about time Larni's posts her usual articles so we can attack her and flame her for her anti ANP stance.

And yes, I had 'that' article ready because as I said months ago, Politicians and their parties will be held accountable for their actions...... however with Corey's withdrawal from the race everything in that article is a mute point.

Which brings us to the race for CP. Patti Vs Xavier Griffith and the truth is. I've got nothing.

Sure I have had my very public arguments with XG on more than one occasion however these are based only on a personality clash and certainly not on his ability or standing amongst the community and as for Patti. If I had not thought he would be a perfect choice I would never have approached him in the first place.

So instead I will wish both candidates the best of luck knowing that there is no 'wrong' choice between these two. Both have the experience and the temperament necessary in dealing with our nations further evolution.