Israel: Unite For Victory, Divide for Defeat

Day 725, 17:00 Published in Israel USA by Alexander Valkor II

Hello Israel,

So it appears that JMatH orchestrated his "hacking" to get a failed impeachment that would leave him immune for a week. JMatH, ex-General of the IDF and longtime Israeli, has stabbed us in the back. He stole from us not only our gold, but our trust. He also stole something even more devastating. This will mark a period where Israeli citizens will have their ability to trust, to respect, the leadership of this great nation, taken from them.

Lets be honest. Who will want to trust anyone in the Israeli government anymore? This is an ongoing issue for Israel. We have president's who steal from us, are inept and maybe even such major f***ups that we are left struggling for the next few months. We need to stop this. This all has to end. But how can it you ask? Well I really have no idea. And I'm sure you don't either. Except their is a few possible solutions. Contracts. We need to immediately start signing contracts for all members of government in the Country President post as well as any members with access to the money our nation has.

Now with JMatH is most certainly going to be impeached, the only other official presidential candidate Zaib Atsu will be assuming the Presidency. I honestly can't say if we can trust him, as many previous presidents (with notable exceptions like CJ) have betrayed our country. I will however be treating him as the President of Israel. Even now I respect his command authority as the Vice President and soon to be President.

Now where do we go from here? Well we go on. Israel has suffered worse. We have endured tougher times. However we need to change our recovery process. We need to reorganize how our gold and wealth is stored. I suggest a system where the gold is spread evenly among a half dozen organizations that no one person has the passwords to more than half. This way we will always have as much of our gold safe as possible without hindering our governments ability to use this money.

Oh yeah, I'm running for Israeli President next term. My platform: Don't steal the treasury and make Israel strong.

Sir Valaro Volcrum
Israeli Minister of Defense
Israeli Citizen
Co-Founder of the UZSP