Is love on your To Do List?

Day 3,522, 03:54 Published in Romania Romania by ZhadoX

I was perched outside in the pouring rain

Trying to make myself a sail

Then I'll float to you my darlin'

With the evening on my tail

Although not the most honest means of travel...

Sitting by the window of my glass apartment on the twentieth floor of a London skyscraper, the last home of mine, and looking at the rain hitting cars and red buses, rebounding off the pavements and hopelessly people trying to not get wet…There is no a better way to describe the weather inside me then let the lyrics of Paolo Nutini to do it. And I caught myself thinking – “this is actually love, darling. How is it possible?” I let that little tickling feeling to knock on my heart… My rushing, worrying and hard-working heart. “Hey, stop for a second”, it said to me… and I replied, “but why? Sorry, you are not even on my to do list.”

Damn. I did realise, I have thrown love away, poor and miserable to be the last thing I want, think and work about. Why? You have no time for it? I can see the whole world has left love behind. And made it hard to find and you – afraid to allow yourself to love and be loved! Loving happens to be harder than living in a forest in Vietnam or becoming a NASA engineer. Do you follow where I am coming from? There is no love without going outside and not being afraid of getting wet! Even worst, love actually will be happy, and the only one poor and miserable will be you, walking with your clothes heavy drenched and pulling you down as your own fear to open your heart.

“Elementary, my dear Watson”, some people will tell. Or others rolling their eyes will be puffing: “yeah, easy to say…” But just make it a goal, baby. You know? Like the goals you set for your career, the interior design of your flat and the five stars hotel on the beach of Mykonos for the next New Year. And then create your objectives. What do you do to get there? Please, help yourself, and start exploring, travelling, experimenting and meeting new people. It is all we need – to find love. No one says to do indiscriminate geography or… you know what I have on my mind. But love comes in different forms and you have to have your heart “thinking” and your mind “on hold” to be able to experience it. From here it is your turn. Be realistic, but not too specific. Leave away your expectations and imaginary visions about that Person. Because as Josh Dallas says, “falling in love is always a surprise.”