Interview with the President: Cj Will Win

Day 682, 22:46 Published in Israel USA by Alexander Valkor II

Here is an interview I held with the incumbent president, Cj Will Win. My questions are in bold.

Why did you run for president?

Originally I ran simply because my party asked me too. I was told I won party nomination in an overwhelming majority and I felt that it would be wrong and disrespectful to turn it down. At the time I was going to be running against Buzzy who I thought was more qualified than me and was almost sure to win. When Buzzy dropped out I thought I was the most qualified person for the job and decided to run with a renewed vigor, because I thought that I'd be able to help keep Israel stable if not pushing us forward.

What were your goals to accomplish in your first term?

In my first term my major goal was to continue moving in a positive relationship with Turkey as well as getting the IDF reorganized. The Turkey angle has worked ok, when Sadeh left many expected all relations to cease, but I am still on friendly terms with their presdient. That said they turned down an NAP with us which was rather upsetting. As far as the IDF goes the goals started out looking to be easy when we had Joe the great MoD, but he seems to have just vanished and our new MoD is a bit of an idiot. J/K he's pretty good too. [Good. I'm his new Minister of Defense. Wouldn't want a coup now would we/]

Do you think Israel has gotten stronger diplomatically? Militarily?

Diplomatically I think that appointing Katarina as MoFA is one of the best decisions I made during my presidency. She has stayed on top of other countries and got our MPPs set up quickly and efficiently (just today we're in the process of resigning one with Croatia). I think that we are definitely strong in that area. As far as militarily, I believe we are "stronger", I use quotes because our numbers haven't had a great increase and we haven't become super powerful over night, but I believe that when the military was restructured we because infinitely more organized and capable than we were previously.

Where do you think Israel is headed?

I think Israel is nearing it's highest point, if we don't get more citizens. Our economy can become much more stable, but I don't see a lot of growth in our future. Militarily we will never be an America, a Hungary, or a Russia, because we will never have those numbers. That said I think we can be a good supporting player, because we have a pretty strong base of players that can kick ass when we have too.

Do you feel that your presidency has been successful?

Well that is a tricky question. I believe that a lot of what I've done has been successful, such as the foreign affairs and militarily. That said we have by now all heard of the two blunders revolving the treasury. First our orgs being stolen by an e😜resident and then a MM glitch claims over 600 gold. I'm very sorry that both of these events happened under my watch. I do not feel I was at fault, I acted as anyone would have in my situation, but I still feel responsible because it happened during my presidency. Then there were the attacks on our economy by people looking to make a quick buck in our time of turmoil, I feel that with the help of franz Kafka We handled that effectively.

Why do you want to be the president for a second term?

Simply because I think I'm best for the position and I think I will do a better job for Israel than any of my competition. I like both SS and Nimitz, but I feel that I can and will do a better job. I don't particularly like being president. It makes a fun game seem like a job, that you don't get paid for and that you get yelled at by lots of people. That said I think that I can do the job better than anyone else and I want Israel to succeed more than I want a break.

Any Last Comments?

Both of my opponents are corrupt and will take bribes and have sex with your wives, but I'm too classy for that... Oh yea

(PS they aren't really corrupt and won't really steal your wives, and I'm not really trying to sling mud)


There you have it. An interview with the president.