Interview with Pizza the hut!

Day 885, 18:52 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles


What I learned about pizza the hut

He is a reaganist (Whatever the hell that is)
He can not give a straight answer
He thinks that the government is run by super evil people, even if there isn't any proof, that doesn't matter.

Pizza the hut was my 2nd interview ever, and I am now 100% positive I am not good at interviews xD.

But I must say, I am finding it harder to hate him now. I had a conversation with him after the interview and he actually seems like a nice guy. I still have reasons though of course, but he Dropped down on my list of hated people (Your #1 now Owner). And when he asked me later why I really hated him I really didn't have an answer. I knew he was accused of being Ajay bruno and have multi's/ But I wasn't around in Ajay Bruno times.

So I told him the truth "I hate you because everyone else does, people just like to go with he flow"

What I'm saying is, people can believe in something even if they don't know anything about it.

But either way, he is still #2 on my list.