Indo is not taking Tasmania from us

Day 1,258, 09:16 Published in Australia Australia by Viado Celtru

[00:13] i fail to see how anyone could think that we would have a country without us having MPPs
[00:13] o
[00:13] im sorry
[00:13] indo would wipe us more often if we didn't have MPPs
[00:13] cos there would be no risk to them
[00:13] thanks to our mpps we are about to lose tasmania
[00:13] no
[00:13] then nsw after that
[00:13] [02:14:14] thanks to our mpps we are about to lose tasmania
[00:13] thanks to indo we are about to lose tassie
[00:13] TY MPPS

Apparently our allies we are MPPed with are making us lose Tasmania. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact Indonesia is attacking us and is stronger. Nothing at all.
