Indian Organizations Security

Day 564, 02:39 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

I am pleased to announce that as part of the new Government structure which has come into force today the first priority task was to secure the Government Organizations which up until now had been at risk to exploitation but we had not commented as we could not sort it and did not want to make the risk potential public knowledge.

The organizations which were at risk in the past were:

Internal Affairs India
Indian Armed Forces
Indian Foreign Affairs
Indian Government Bank

Access to these accounts are granted to only a set few but a possible security exploit was a real possibility as the email accounts used to register these orgs where a real security threat as they were created many months back and nobody in India can confirm who by and so potentially people could use these email accounts to gain access to the orgs and take all the company assests and money with it costing us between 800-900 gold.

The IAI are pleased to announce that all the above organizations have now been secured and both emails and passwords are 100% secure from exploit.