In the Name of Gonzo - Vote H.S Thompson

Day 1,032, 10:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by H.S Thompson

The time has come for me to throw my hat into the ring and you to rock the vote.

Come congress elections in Connecticut and under the banner of the Economic Free Thinkers Society you will faced with the option of voting for me, H.S Thompson, so make it count!

<--Those suffering from time starvation or attention span issues may stop here-->

It's my first foray into congress elections, but not exactly my first political skirmish. I spearheaded the final operation to oust Ronald O'Reagan from power and effectively end his tea party's brief reign in the Top 5. You all know why that went, but that was great craic.

I've otherwise backed off the political aspect of the game for the simple reason that I was havin fun runnin businesses and kickin ass @ war. I'm a Veteran Field Marshall Air Unit operator if it interests the battle hardened among you - you can be sure Ireland's security and well-being is at the top of my list of priorities.

And that comes to the very reason I'm running. Now, I'm not knocking any of the current or past incumbents (I am actually, but just let me soften it). It's just that more and more, I've noticed some real numpties gettin though elections by the skin of their teeth all for gold, or the lulz, or both. Now these particulars then go on to threaten the security of Ireland, in some cases they just up and leave after elections taking their little gold reward and running to some corner of the world to stare at it's shininess. (You know who you are!)

Well I've watched this long enough without doing anything about it, but I'm steppin up now to block at least one numpty from making a mockery of the e-country I love.

I'll be here to do a god damned job too, don't be fooled. If we're lucky I might even bring a little style.