Im Sorry Canada

Day 591, 15:48 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

Well, I asked AB, to keep my name out of it, but yes... It is true... But its time that I told all of eCanada my darkest and most kept secret, I started last year in April,my second month in game I started my political career which was also the first day of my secret career. August 14, 2008 was the start of my Networking career, I created a spy network that to this day may be the biggest spy network in all of eRepublik. With over one thousand members in 23 countries, we have received enough information that would make Canada a super power in the eWorld. Do to Network policy I will withhold all network personal information, member names, network names and countries and our contacts. But I will tell you after being part of the game since its start my network is now worth a good, 8 digits in value, this is a total of all info, sold info, members, contacts and countries.

Just to put it out there to show how powerful this network is, we were the reason for the failure of the first attempt in Australia's first attempt to freedom. Members in our network decided to sell the info to PEACE for 500gold, that info was enough for PEACE to destroy our efforts in freeing Australia... We were the instigators in the Impeachment of Former President Ben of the US, were the biggest instigators in the Petrescu Regime playing both sides, receiving pay from the Victor as spies while stealing information, any that we could get our hands on to help free the Irish. We are 40% responsible for the failure of ATLANTIS...

Now that I have told you all this I most likely will be banned fom my own network and our website, but I will still withhold all personal info of the network but any info that I have I will share with the CSIS..

The reason for me buying this info in the Auction held the day of COBRAs banning was to see the info that was being sold.. The highest bid was 100gold which was being bought from another private terrorist group whom I thought did not pose a threat to Canada, that was until a PEACE member bidded 200gold, the last thing I wanted was for PEACE to get any info even if the info was worth nothing... I bidded 275, and from their it continued, until PEACE decided to stop bidding, the price will be withheld. But buying the information was the smartest thing that I have done..

The info that I have received from COBRA is info that would destroy the morale of Canada, and our economy in less than a week, and vulnerable to a bloody war that we may not or would not in, information, on all cabinet threads, information that were private to only congress, information as to how much gold and CAD our orgs have. Information such as who is part of our military, their strength supplies that they may receive. I mean anything that would be considered private and you would keep behind closed doors. Canada you may believe that COBRA is no threat and is a joke I can tell you now that when it comes to selling info that they still have and knowing AB will still sell to others is not worth ignoring. I at this moment may no longer be part of this network, but they own the info already they will not be part of another, especially based on the amount we spent on that info.

I ask that you consider what I have told you today.. To forgive me from keeping this info from you about my Network... ANd I may not know many of you but a few and maybe all experienced members will agree that when you create something especially something as big as my network it is hard to let go.... By revealing to you some of our work I have let it go it hurts, knowing know that I may have destroyed a life time of work that I have spent thousands of gold creating.
