Im back in eNorway Baby

Day 2,063, 01:07 Published in Norway Norway by Morten Asphaug

First of all i have to thank eUSA for letting me in to them for long time ago when i bacame eUSA citizen, i never tried to get in to the congress or somthing and that, i did to show that i didnt want to take over and steal like i have seen many times other places

Now im back in eNorway and its good to be back, i have spent my time in America to work for food, weps and money that i have shared with my friends, shared with kickstart to help all the new born in eNorway and to share with my members in The Rape Potatoes.

As you see, my english are still bad but WHO CARES, MOHAHAH, im gonna fang fish you all and help eNorway getting stronger 😃

Commander of The Rape Potatoes
Morten Asphaug